The Factors Affecting Private University Lecturers' Job Satisfaction: A Review


  • Zurina Kamarudin


Job satisfaction, Private universities, Lecturers, Malaysia


The culture of private universities, which is typically eclectic and varies depending on the circumstances and traits of each organisation, can foster a rise in lecturers' organisational commitment and the effectiveness of private universities. Students are educated and trained to become experts in a variety of subjects at universities. To produce exceptional performance for the institution, it is essential to understand academic job satisfaction. As a result, research on job satisfaction and performance is becoming common. Since it is believed to be a significant influence in shaping work behaviour, job satisfaction is a prominent topic in higher education. By considering the significance of job happiness and the major contributions made by professors at private universities to the growth of the educational sector and knowledge worker.




How to Cite

Kamarudin, Z. (2024). The Factors Affecting Private University Lecturers’ Job Satisfaction: A Review. Al-Qimah Al-Mudhafah, 8(1), 9–17. Retrieved from