Lecturers’ Readiness Towards Implementing Blended Learning Strategy in Teaching Islamic Education


  • Norhapizah, M.B
  • A.H., Tamuri
  • N.M., Nordin


Information Communication and Technology (ICT), Islamic Education, Blended Learning, Readiness


The learning process has been changed due to the development and advancement of existing technologies increasing rapidly. Thus, education took a chance on technological transformation in increasing the impact of teaching and learning process. The implementation of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in education has created a revolution to the way educators deliver the content and learning materials to ensure a learning objectives achieved. This paper is aimed to measure lecturers’ of Islamic Education attitudes towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The study attempted as well to analyze the lecturers’ readiness towards implementing Blended Learning strategy in teaching Islamic education. Data was collected from survey method. Seventy (70) lecturers of different experiences participated in the study. The data showed the attitudes of Islamic Education’s lecturers towards ICT were positive. Somehow it was differed in terms of age and duration of working in the organization towards ICT. Yet, the findings also showed lecturers’ readiness to implement a blended learning strategy in teaching the Islamic Education course were moderately high. Therefore it is proposed to the Islamic Education deparment itself to provide a training courses related with ICT and technological pedagogical applications in order to meet the demands and needs of digital net citizen culture in learning.




How to Cite

Norhapizah, M.B, A.H., Tamuri, & N.M., Nordin. (2015). Lecturers’ Readiness Towards Implementing Blended Learning Strategy in Teaching Islamic Education. Al-Qimah Al-Mudhafah, 1(1). Retrieved from http://jurnal.usas.edu.my/alqimah/index.php/journal/article/view/14