The Effects of Using Language Games in the ClassroomonESLLearners’ Acquisition of English Grammar


  • Shamimah Haja Mohideen Centre for Languages and Foundation Studies (CELFOS) Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah


Grammar Acquisition, Language Games


Boosting grammar repertoire enables successful communication. Learning grammar is challenging, requiring constant, conscious ef ort. This research specifically explores the use of games to facilitate grammar acquisition. This study addresses the following questions: 1)What is the ef ect of language games towards the af ective factors intheprocess of learning grammar? 2) Does the use of language games improve students’ grammatical competency in languageassessment? This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. An experiment was conducted for a semester(4months) on approximately 64 students from Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah who were taking the English grammar course. The researcher taught 2 classes of students. Each group consisted of around 32 students. For the experimental group, theclassroom activities emphasized games. The researcher conducted 14 sessions of various types of games. Togaugeinformation on af ective factors, students were administered questionnaires that consists 12 close-ended questions. Theclasses in the control group emphasized less on games. Results of the quantitative methods were analysed statisticallyusing mean scores and T-test. The results of the study revealed that students in the experimental group obtainedhigherscores. This is because games possess multiple benefits which accelerate language learning. 1) They are interactiveandlearner – centred. 2) They create positive mood, emotions and attitude( af ective factors). 3) They cater to various typesof
learning styles and encourage subconscious learning.




How to Cite

Haja Mohideen, S. (2019). The Effects of Using Language Games in the ClassroomonESLLearners’ Acquisition of English Grammar. Al-Qimah Al-Mudhafah, 5(1). Retrieved from