Managing Al-Mafqud Property Investment among Mafqud Status in Malaysia


  • Mariyatul Qibtiyah Mohamad
  • Noralfishah Sulaiman


Al-mafqud property, ways, investment, waiting period, growth


Al-mafqud property need some good strategy in any ways to manage al-mafqud properties in
Malaysia. Since the property cannot be owned by others include al-mafquds’ heirs, thus researcher suggested
ways to manage al-mafqud property from investment perspective. The researcher was studying the ways to invest
and found that investment alternative could be implement to manage the al-mafqud property in Malaysia. The
main purpose of this investment is to growth the mal (property) of al-mafqud and also to help al-mafqud family
to have a better life while al-mafqud was disappeared. The objective of this article is (1) to suggest the simple
way to manage al-mafqud property, (2) to help facilitate the parties involved in managing al-mafqud property
and also (3) to give the proposed solution in managing the unclaimed al-mafqud property in Malaysia. The
method used is qualitative method based on previous research through document sources mainly the Quran and
Hadith. This article aims to help al-mafqud heirs have a better life for the next 1-7 years while waiting the almafqud to come back and claim his property.




How to Cite

Mohamad, M. Q., & Sulaiman, N. (2018). Managing Al-Mafqud Property Investment among Mafqud Status in Malaysia. Al-Qimah Al-Mudhafah, 4(1), 8. Retrieved from