Al-Qimah Al-Mudhafah <p><strong><em>Al-Qimah Al-Mudhafah</em></strong>. The journal of Management and Science (ALQIMAH) is published once a year by the Faculty of Management and Information Technology Sultan Azlan Shah University (USAS), Perak, Malaysia. The focus of this journal is especially interested on providing added value to existing multidisciplinary management and science. It can be a form of theories, application, and new perspective to established theory or new theory. This journal is peer reviewed which covers articles, research notes and book reviews on a diverse range of topics. </p> en-US (Secretariat AlQimah) (Secretariat AlQimah) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 22:24:29 +0800 OJS 60 Landscape Design for a Sustainable Community: A Case Study of Kampung Madani Lestari <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">The maintenance of valued landscapes often requires the active collaboration of local communities in their planning, management and sustainable development. Along with the rural depopulation, the issues that Kampung Paya Panjang facing is lack of communities’ activities, discontinues pedestrian linkage, poor spatial infrastructure of human interaction and abandoned of houses and farming areas. This study aim is to gain insight of local peoples on how to revitalize Kampung Paya Panjang into a village that has serene ambiance and physical activities that help improve their wellness and economy. The methods of data collections include interviews, through public participation method and focus group discussion (FGD). The effectiveness of these methods was translated into landscape design master plan of Kampung Madani Lestari. There were 18 participants during interviews, public participation events and FGD sessions. 83% of feedback of the local during these events were implemented in master plan design.&nbsp;&nbsp; From the data collected, there are a few design strategies developed&nbsp;&nbsp; to create a sustainable village by implementing authentic agro-edu-tourism approach. It shows that the community involvement is an important key factor during&nbsp;&nbsp; the design process and implementation of designing a master plan.</span></p> </div> Alifah Ilyana Mohd Ali, Zainal Syahrizal Zainal Abidin Copyright (c) 2024 Alifah Ilyana M.A, Zainal Syahrizal Z.A Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Factors Affecting Private University Lecturers' Job Satisfaction: A Review <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">The culture of private universities, which is typically eclectic and varies depending on the circumstances and traits of each organisation, can foster a rise in lecturers' organisational commitment and the effectiveness of private universities. Students are educated and trained to become experts in a variety of subjects at universities. To produce exceptional performance for the institution, it is essential to understand academic job satisfaction. As a result, research on job satisfaction and performance is becoming common. Since it is believed to be a significant influence in shaping work behaviour, job satisfaction is a prominent topic in higher education. By considering the significance of job happiness and the major contributions made by professors at private universities to the growth of the educational sector and knowledge worker.</span></p> </div> Zurina Kamarudin Copyright (c) 2024 Zurina Kamarudin Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Predicting Whistleblowing Practices: A Theory of Plan Behaviour Approach Among Accounting Undergraduates <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">Media coverage has extensively documented instances of fraud and unethical conduct, emphasizing the urgent need for effective control mechanisms. Prevent these issues, whistleblowing practices as a crucial tool for combating corruption, and awareness should start from the university. Universities are tasked with cultivating competent and ethical professionals. However, an alarming trend is the prioritization of high grades by many students, overshadowing the importance of honesty and accountability. This study proposes to leverage the Theory of Planned Behaviour as a conceptual framework to discover whistleblowing practices, encompassing perceived social pressure, personal evaluation, and perceptions of behavioural control. Also, assess the impact of perceptions of behavioural control, perceived social pressure, and personal evaluation on whistleblowing practices among accounting undergraduates. The methods are quantitative using a survey questionnaire to the accounting undergraduates at the faculty. Results of study shows that personal evaluation and perceived social pressure positively influence the whistleblowing practices of undergraduates, perceptions of behavioural control negatively influence the whistleblowing practices of undergraduates. The study could to provide better insights into the utilization of the Theory of Planned Behaviour towards whistleblowing practices among accounting undergraduates. Meanwhile, for the further research is focus on expanding the sample size, including non-accounting students.</span></p> </div> Raja Muhamad Safuan Raja Mamat, Hidayati Omar, Nurmasturah Mokhtar Copyright (c) 2024 Raja Muhamad Safuan Raja Mamat Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Effect of pH on Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) Toxicity Towards Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) Larvae Development <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">SDS is a chemical widely used in cleaning and personal care products like soap. Its use in detergents may harm aquatic ecosystems. This research investigates the effects of pH on SDS toxicity in zebrafish larvae development and observes any phenotypic deformities under different pH conditions. Zebrafish eggs (30 per treatment and control) were exposed to SDS (0.000004%) at pH 5.86 and pH 6.95. The hatching rate (p&lt;0.218), free swim rate (p&lt;0.56), and survival rate (p&lt;0.168) were observed. Results show no significant effects of pH on these rates. Additionally, no significant differences were found in phenotypic deformities (pericardial edema, yolk sac edema, and vertebral bend) under varying pH conditions. However, pericardial and yolk sac edema appeared only in the presence of SDS which resulting in statistically insignificant differences. This study concludes that pH alteration may mask SDS effects on zebrafish larvae development, highlighting its role in controlling pollution.</span></p> </div> Muhammad Khairulanam Zakaria, Badiozaman Sulaiman, Muhammad Aiman Adam, Nik Nurhusna Nik Sin, Masitah Abdul Jalil, Nur Adibah Mohd Ishadi, Muhammad Zulhilmi Mohd Nasirudin Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Khairulanam Zakaria, Badiozaman Sulaiman, Muhammad Aiman Adam, Nik Nurhusna Nik Sin, Masitah Abdul Jalil, Nur Adibah Mohd Ishadi, Muhammad Zulhilmi Mohd Nasirudin Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Optimising Throughput for Planning Building Evacuations <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">An M/G/C/C state dependent queuing network can be used to explicitly represent the complicated behaviour of pedestrians in a restricted space layout.&nbsp; The method to investigate pedestrian movements along different corridors in a topological network is implemented in this research.&nbsp; The M/G/C/C analytical model was used to quantify the optimal arrival rates and their effects on the corridors' performance in terms of throughput, blocking probability, expected number of occupants in the system, and estimated travel time.&nbsp; The optimal arrival rates were then determined by feeding these optimum arrival rates into its Network Flow Programming model.</span></p> </div> Nurhanis Ishak , Ruzelan Khalid Copyright (c) 2024 Nurhanis Ishak , Ruzelan Khalid Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Engaging Students Through Gamification: A Study of Its Effectiveness in Higher Education <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">In today's tech-centric society, gamification and game-based learning effectively develop learning and soft skills through collaborative gameplay. A significant challenge in higher education is low student participation due to fear, shyness, or anxiety. This study evaluated the impact of gamification on students' interest, motivation, and engagement in the classroom. An intervention with 118 Diploma and Degree students at Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah employed gamification applications like ClassDojo. The comprehensive methodology focused on qualitative data collection and descriptive analysis to support the study's premise. Post-teaching surveys assessed the impact on learning behavior. Findings from Google Forms surveys indicated a significant positive effect, boosting interest, motivation, and engagement, and improving learning outcomes. Students found this approach interesting, enjoyable, and stimulating, enhancing their interest in the subject. These results highlight gamification's positive role in teaching and learning, offering insights into students' perspectives on its influence on their educational experience.</span></p> </div> M.Hussin Abdullah, Syazrin Syimee Sharifuddin, Irwan Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 M.Hussin Abdullah, Syazrin Syimee Sharifuddin, Irwan Ibrahim Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Accessing The Realm of Logistics, Distribution Logistics and Last Mile Delivery Within the Framework of Supply Chain Management <div><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of paper to explores the evolution of logistics from its origins in the Roman Empire to modern Supply Chain Management (SCM). The objective is to examine logistics as a philosophy that transitioned from military necessities to its current role in supporting the delivery of goods from suppliers to end customers. The methods based on descriptive research approach; reviews study from a wide range of academic literature and highlighting key historical milestones in the advancement of business logistics. Meanwhile, the finding discussion shows the reveal that logistics, and its definition have evolved over time, shaped by economic and industrial demands of various eras. This research complements the Integrated Tertiary Educational Supply Chain Management (ITESCM) model, offering insights for logistics undergraduates into the discipline’s progression. The conclusion in term of emphasizes the importance of developing high-caliber graduates equipped with an understanding of logistics’ historical and practical dimensions, ultimately contributing to impactful research outcomes and societal well-being. Recommendations for future research are provided.</span></div> Ranjeet Singh Copyright (c) 2024 Ranjeet Singh Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Benefit of Profit-Sharing Islamic Microfinance Models (Musharaka) in Expanding Financial Inclusion and Business Sustainability for B40 Women Micro-Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: A Literature Review <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">Given the challenges that B40 women face to financial inclusion due to gender disparities, a lack of collateral, and insufficient financial literacy, Musharaka provides an efficient partnership-based method with shared advantages and disadvantages. This study intends to find out the effectiveness of Musharaka, a profit-sharing Islamic microfinance model, in empowering B40 women micro-entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Methods of this paper is a qualitative survey and identifies gaps in existing literature, emphasizing the need for context-specific research targeting B40 women entrepreneurs in Malaysia. As a result, it has the potential to raise financial inclusion and improve company sustainability throughout this group. Future research directions include empirical studies, quantitative research, comparative analyses with conventional financing options, and policy implications to enhance financial inclusion and sustainable business growth for B40 women micro-entrepreneurs.</span></p> </div> Arezo Jafari, Farhana Akter, Kanij Fatema, Kamal Ab Hamid Copyright (c) 2024 Arezo Jafari, Farhana Akter, Kanij Fatema, Kamal Ab Hamid Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Hubungan Keberkesanan Audit Dalaman dengan Tadbir Urus di Sektor Kerajaan <div> <p class="Body">Tadbir urus yang baik di sektor kerajaan dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap akauntabiliti dan pengurusan kewangan awam. Kelemahan pengurusan kewangan yang masih berlaku di sektor kerajaan sesebuah negara antaranya berpunca daripada audit dalaman yang kurang berkesan. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan keberkesanan audit dalaman dengan tadbir urus di sektor kerajaan. Kajian ini memfokuskan pada tinjauan literatur berkaitan kelemahan audit dalaman, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan audit dalaman dan hubungan keberkesanan audit dalaman dengan tadbir urus di sektor kerajaan. Kajian ini menerapkan reka bentuk analisis dokumen dan berpandukan tinjauan literatur sebagai landasan kajian. Dapatan tinjauan literatur ini menunjukkan bahawa kualiti kerja audit dalaman, sokongan pengurus atasan, kebebasan juruaudit dalaman, kerjasama auditee dan saiz organisasi dapat mempengaruhi keberkesanan audit dalaman. Kajian-kajian yang lepas telah membuktikan bahawa wujud hubungan yang signifikan antara keberkesanan audit dalaman dengan tadbir urus di sektor kerajaan. Dapatan kajian juga dapat meningkatkan kefahaman teoritis tentang peranan audit dalaman sebagai kayu ukuran untuk melaksanakan tadbir urus yang baik di sektor kerajaan.</p> </div> Mohd Aidil Abd Aziz, Noor Fasihah Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd Aidil Abd Aziz, Noor Fasihah Muhammad Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Perkembangan dan Cabaran Inovasi Pendigitalan dalam Praktis Takaful Era Baharu <div> <p class="Body"><span lang="EN-US">Penerimaan industri takaful terhadap inovasi digital semakin positif dan berkembang maju dengan memperlihatkan penglibatan operator takaful yang menerapkan teknologi terbaru untuk meningkatkan kecekapan operasi, menyediakan pengalaman pelanggan yang lebih baik dan memperluas akses kepada perlindungan takaful. Tujuan kajian ini mengkaji perkembangan semasa industri takaful, inovasi digital dalam perniagaan takaful dan cabarannya di Malaysia. Pertumbuhan industri takaful didorong oleh peningkatan kesedaran terhadap produk kewangan patuh syariah dan pertambahan populasi Muslim di seluruh dunia. Kaedah kajian ini menggunakan teknologi digital seperti teknologi Takatech, Kecerdasan Buatan (AI), blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Chatbot dan Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bagi menawarkan perkhidmatan yang lebih cekap dan mudah diakses. Inovasi digital ini, akan meningkatkan kecekapan operasi operator takaful, menyediakan pengalaman bermanafaat kepada pelanggan, serta memperluaskan akses perlindungan takaful kepada lebih ramai individu di seluruh dunia. Kajian lanjutan dicadangkan agar dapat memberikan idea yang progresif bagi meningkatkan inovasi pendigitalan takaful, serta menyediakan asas yang kukuh untuk strategi dan perancangan masa depan dalam industri takaful di Malaysia.</span></p> </div> Noor Hidayah Zainudin, Muhamad Faisal Bahari, Nor Razuana Amram, Nazihah Wan Azman Copyright (c) 2024 Noor Hidayah Zainudin, Muhamad Faisal Bahari, Nor Razuana Amram, Nazihah Wan Azman Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800