The Level of Knowledge Among Non-Muslims About Islam in Kuala Kangsar


  • Ahmad Safwan Y. Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia
  • Anwar, O. Z. Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia


Da’wah, Knowledge level, Non-Muslims, Islam, Kuala Kangsar


The diversity of religions and races shows that Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country. Islam is the religion of the Malaysian Federal Constitution. Today, the number of preachers in Malaysia is increasing progressively. However, the da’wah movement against non-Muslims has not yet reached its target. Various issues and challenges are involved carrying out da'wah to non-Muslim communities. Among them, the preachers in Malaysia are still argued about the best message to deliver to non-Muslims. This study was carried out using a descriptive method in breaking down the knowledge among non-Muslims in Kuala Kangsar about Islam. The method used of this study is survey method using questionnaires to collect information on the basic knowledge among non-Muslims (Chinese and Indian) in understanding of Islam including Aqidah, Fiqh and Tasawwuf. A total of 200 respondents were participated in this study. The study found that the respondents have a high level of knowledge at an average mean of 3.48 regarding the concept of God is one, Islam is not the creation of Muhammad, Islam is a religion that brings peace, Islam respects other religions, Islam is synonymous with Malay culture, and the concept of halal and haram in Islam. Nevertheless, the results of the study show that the respondents have a moderate level of knowledge at an average level of 2.92 regarding the concept of hudud, the pillars of faith, the pillars of Islam, the pillars of marriage, the concept of polygamy, zakat, and pilgrims.



Author Biographies

Ahmad Safwan Y. , Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia



Anwar, O. Z., Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia




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How to Cite

Y. , A. S., & O. Z., A. (2022). The Level of Knowledge Among Non-Muslims About Islam in Kuala Kangsar. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 5(2), 1–11. Retrieved from