Aplikasi Qa’idah al-Maqasid “al-Tarjih Baina al-Masalih” dalam Pandangan Hukum Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan: Analisis Terhadap Isu Perubatan


  • Mohd Farouq Nukman Zamri Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia
  • Ahmad Safwan Yunos Kolej Universiti Islam Johor Sultan Ibrahim (KUIJSI), 80350 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


Fatwa, Medicine Fiqh, Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan, maqasid al-shariah, qa’idah al-maqasid


In Malaysia, fatwa institutions have the role of weighing on, deciding and issuing fatwas on matters related to Islamic teachings, including new issues related to medicine. Among the matters emphasized in issuing related fatwas is the issue of maqasid al-shariah. However, the qa’idah al-maqasid that is usually implemented in a fatwa is not clearly mentioned in the text of the issued fatwa. Therefore, this article aims to explore qa’idah al-maqasid which is used in the discussion on the legal views of Muzakarah of the Fatwa Committee of the National Council (MJFMK). This study is entirely based on a qualitative design. The data collection method is based on document analysis method through reading the compilation of MJFMK's legal views on medical issues. Medical issues are selected based on purposive sampling. The information obtained was then analyzed through a thematic analysis approach (thematic analysis) by focusing on qa’idah al-maqasid. Although the qa’idah al-maqasid is not clearly stated in the discussion of the legal views of MJFMK, the findings of the study show that there are at least six qa’idah al-maqasid that are identified according to the legal view of medical issues. This proves that the legal views of MJFMK issued by muftis and scholars in Malaysia are in line with maqasid al-shariah.


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How to Cite

Zamri, M. F. N., & Yunos, A. S. (2023). Aplikasi Qa’idah al-Maqasid “al-Tarjih Baina al-Masalih” dalam Pandangan Hukum Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan: Analisis Terhadap Isu Perubatan. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 6(1), 1–13. Retrieved from http://jurnal.usas.edu.my/altakamul/index.php/altakmulfiles/article/view/146