Role of Education in Unveiling the Islamic Heritage of Malaysia: A De-Orientalized Process


  • Mohd Zulfahmi Mohamad Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia


Heritage, Orientalism, Islam


Education is a powerful tool to combat intellectual poverty. Back in time, in Europe, education was thought to be a religious agenda to indoctrinate Europeans during the papacy age of Europe, during which the Dark Ages were generally limited to the clergy and the elite. It turns out that education became an important aspect of the process of developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills for Europeans. Ironically, during the Malaysian colonial period, the British colony marked Eurocentric thinking, which somehow have left a significant influence and carries the Western Orientalism narrative. Besides, there are many highly historical artefacts and manuscripts kept in their museums. This paper intends to bring about the prospect of de-westernising and de-orientalizing aspects through education. Education is the way to enlighten locals to appreciate and value their own heritage. The result of the paper finds that there are many local Islamic heritages that are left abandoned. The government has not done so much to preserve them as important values for the country.


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How to Cite

Mohamad, M. Z. (2023). Role of Education in Unveiling the Islamic Heritage of Malaysia: A De-Orientalized Process. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 6(1), 1–10. Retrieved from