The Satisfaction Level on Internet Banking Facilities Among USAS Students


  • Zurina K. Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia


Internet Banking, Islamic Banking, Satisfaction


Internet banking has become a significant platform for taking care of financial matters. Researchers have introduced the recognition of internet banking, which allows users to fulfil their duties without visiting a counter. Financial institutions are highly important part of people's daily lives since they offer means for them to run into all their financial needs. Since banks provide a variety of functions, we can conclude that the Islamic banking industry only works for profit and does not charge interest. Islamic finance and banking are developing gradually. They have recognised the internet banking system as the next phase of their development. This study focused on the satisfaction level on internet banking facilities among USAS students. This research was quantitative research with data collection used the purposive sampling technique. Further, this study gives ideas for future research and addresses consequences.


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How to Cite

K., Z. (2024). The Satisfaction Level on Internet Banking Facilities Among USAS Students. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 6(2), 1–9. Retrieved from