General Depiction of the Epic Battle between the Monotheistic Religion


  • Yasir R. Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia


Epic battle, Jews, Christians, Signs of the day of judgement, Aḥadīth of fitan


The mālaḥim (epic battle) is a series of severe calamities that will occur before the end of the world and the People of the Book, including Jews, Christians, and Muslims, believe in its occurrence upon them. This paper aims to reveal the texts contained about this epic battle in the main scriptures of monotheistic religion and to clarify the scope of disagreement and agreement between them. Thus, it will eradicate the ambiguity and misunderstanding that revolve around this incident. The researcher adopted two methods in this study which are; inductive approach - by tracing the ḥadīth contained about epics battle in the main ḥadīth books and by tracing the sources to which the Jews and Christians adhered - and the analytical approach - by analyzing the texts received to reveal the areas of agreement and disagreement for each religion. As a result of this study, the researcher found that all monotheistic religion agreed that this epic battle will take place at al-Shām and its continent before the day of judgment. Furthermore, they also agreed that several events will occur before the battle, such as the incident of reconciliation between Muslims and the Romans, and the establishment of the state in Jerusalem. On the other hand, they differ in the naming of the battle, the parties of the epic that oppose them in the battle, and the result after this incident.




How to Cite

R. , Y. (2024). General Depiction of the Epic Battle between the Monotheistic Religion. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 6(2), 1–16. Retrieved from