Hifz al-Nafs dalam Maqasid Syariah: Analisis Teoritikal
hifz al-nafs, physical, maqasid shari’ah, spiritual, theoreticalAbstract
The theory of hifz al-nafs is often associated with protecting life, especially in the implementation of qisas punishment context. the qisas punishment purposes are to protect one from losing life, to defend oneself from being violated, to frighten people who intended to commit murder or injury crimes, and to prevent those criminals from repeating the crimes. Nevertheless, the definition of hifz al-nafs as protecting life was criticized by Muhammad Tahir Ibnu ‘Ashur himself, in his book maqasid syari'at Islamiyah. He believes that the punishment of qisas alone is not meant to preserve one’s life. This is due to the fact that qisas punishment is an ineffective method of preserving one’s life because it causes loss of one life. In fact, the most important preservation method is to save it before being destroyed. Therefore, this article aims to explore the true meaning and concept in understanding the theory of hifz al-nafs according to the perspectives of contemporary scholars. The study’s philosophy is interpretive using a qualitative approach in adapting the study design. Meanwhile, the document content analysis method was used in this study for data collection and analysis. The findings showed that the concept of hifz al-nafs is a claim to protect one’s life, oneself, and one’s soul that Allah S.W.T and His Messenger established in the al-Quran al-Karim and al-sunnah al-nabawiyyah from two main dimensions, which include the physical dimension and the spiritual dimension. Thus, this study hopes that the theoretical concept of hifz al-nafs is not narrowed down by some parties to protect life alone but indeed the concept needs to be expanded in the future in line with the flow of time.
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