التهاجر بين المسلمين: بواعثه وآليات التعامل معه وسبل الوقاية منه دراسة على واقع العالم الإسلامي المعاصر
migration, muslims, motives, prevention, reality, contemporaryAbstract
The Muslim community experience a state of division and estrangement that is unprecedented in the history of the Islamic nation. There is hardly any manifestation that unites and unifies Muslims. The situation of Muslims has reached the worst state of weakness. This research aims to identify the reality of abandonment, explain its motives and effects, extract means of prevention, and review examples of the forms of abandonment that the contemporary Islamic world suffers. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach by following the texts and effects mentioned in abandonment. The research concluded that the forbidden abandonment is driven by personal revenge, and that the motives for abandonment may be subjective and arise from an imbalance in the person, or potentially the result of external factors. The research also emphasized the importance of activating legitimate means and educational methods to prevent disagreement and limit its negative effects on the individual and collective levels.
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