Kajian Pengetahuan Akidah dalam Kalangan Para Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Agama Orang Asli Nurul Hidayah, Kg Kenang Sungai Siput, Perak
faith knowledge, indigenous people, religious educationAbstract
Aqidah (creed/belief/faith) is strongly emphasized in Islam and underlies the entire life of a Muslim individual. In fact, it is the main thing that is prioritized for those who have just embraced Islam. Among the main essences of the Prophet’s S.A.W preaching during the Makkiah phase were the creed from the aspect of faith in Allah, proofs of the greatness of Allah S.W.T, and emphasis on the belief in the Day of Retribution. The indigenous people (Orang Asli) in Malaysia who have embraced Islam are among those who receive attention in Islamic education. The existence of religious secondary schools specifically for the indigenous people proves the attention given by the government to the religious education of the indigenous in general. This study is related to the understanding of faith among students at Nurul Hidayah Indigenous Religious Secondary School at Sungai Siput, Perak,which aimed to identify the level of faith understanding that includes the six pillars of faith among students in this school. This study is a quantitative research involving 19 respondents. A questionnaire instrument using a binary scale of correct or incorrect was used to collect data. The data set was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 for descriptive analysis in the form of frequency and percentage. The results of the study found that the level of faith knowledge among students in this school was at an excellent level. Indirectly, this showed that the results of religious education for the students of this school are very good.
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