Ramifications of Integrity in Learning of Faculty Members on Moral Behaviour of Students
integrity, higher education, ethical, faculty membersAbstract
Academic honesty is a core principle in educational settings, guaranteeing that students uphold integrity and authenticity in their academic endeavours. Integrity is among the ethical values associated with moral rectitude. Higher education institutions are crucial in supplying a nation with the necessary skilled workforce to promote environmentally responsible development. For academic institutions to attain their objectives and effectively address societal needs, the ethical conduct of diverse stakeholders is essential. To elevate standards of ethics and integrity, there must be a focus on holistic organizational enhancement, spanning from grassroots to top-level management. Comprehensive involvement of all stakeholders will greatly enhance the integrity of the organization. Therefore, this scholarly research explored the ramifications of professional integrity of faculty members on students' moral behaviour at Faculty of Management and Information Technology and Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social Science, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Kuala Kangsar, Perak. The participants for this study were chosen randomly using a sampling method. The results showed the level of academic integrity awareness among USAS students remains low as the majority of students have engaged in academic dishonesty at least once, which includes plagiarism, cheating, and unapproved collaboration. This has an impact on students' moral behaviour. The findings of this study can aid academic institutions in Malaysia to enhance their governance framework and ethical code. To improve future studies, it is suggested that the data collection process be more comprehensive. This would facilitate a clearer understanding of the diversity in the implementation of good governance and integrity practices across academic institutions.
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