Characteristics of Islamic TV Programs and Their Influence on Society


  • Hazwani Abdul Wahab Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, 33000 Bandar DiRaja Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia


Islamic TV programs, characteristics, influence, society, youths


Islamic TV programs are programs that narrowcast audience in the Muslim range. The existence of Islamic TV programs in Malaysia are phenomenal with the appearance of variance variety shows such as ‘Imam Muda’, ‘Pencetus Ummah’, ‘30 Minit Ustaz Don’ and many more. It is infrequent that Muslims from every level of age, are keen to watch this kind of program. Due to that, a conceptual paper has been conducted by applying qualitative method via reviewing aforementioned studies to evaluate on opinions in terms of the characteristics of Islamic TV programs and the influence of them on the society. Several studies found that religious TV programs can be effective in stimulating society to modify their attitude towards it. The implication of this study is to educate people to understand that by watching Islamic TV programs can provide religious indoctrinate to be performed by the society. This study is only narrowing to conceptual paper. It is suggested for future researcher conduct original research by investigating not only characteristics of Islamic TV programs but also includes the impacts of religious TV programs on society in terms of cognitive, behavioural and psychological changes.


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How to Cite

Abdul Wahab, H. (2025). Characteristics of Islamic TV Programs and Their Influence on Society. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 7(2), 57–62. Retrieved from