Fatwa Berkaitan Bukan Muslim: Analisis terhadap Sumber Penghujahan dalam Fatwa Negeri Perak
fatwa, Perak, non-muslims, reasoning, usul al-fiqhAbstract
Fatwa is an important institution in Islamic society. It provides legal rulings and clarifies issues that arise within the community. In the context of Malaysia, it is closely relevant to non-Muslims, given the country’s diverse multi-religious population. Accordingly, the fatwas issued must encompass elements involving non-Muslims. Ideally, the arguments presented in fatwas concerning non-Muslims should be well-founded and widely accepted.Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the aspects of reasoning behind fatwas issued by the Perak State Fatwa Committee concerning non-Muslims. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the arguments used to establish a fatwa. It emphasises on fatwas published from 1994 to 2015. To achieve the objective, the discussion is based on literature sources and the information is analysed using thematic, descriptive, inductive, and deductive methods. This paper begins with an introduction that broadly outlines its content. The discussion then focuses on the aspects of fatwas published from 1994 to 2015. The culmination of the discussion is the analysis of the reasoning in fatwas issued by the Perak State Fatwa Committee concerning non-Muslims. This paper concludes that the sources of reasoning in the fatwas of Perak are not limited to traditional sources, but also incorporates contemporary sources.
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