Embracement of Deviant Thoughts By Rulers and Tt’s Impact Towards the Nation: A Study on Jalal Al-Din Akbar (1556-1605) and His Call for Unity of Religion


  • Alaa Eddin Muhammad Esmail Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah


Jalal al-Din, unity of religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christian


Jalal al-Din Akbar was one of the Mugal Kings that ruled the sub-continent of India where he responsible to create a historical strife almost plaguing the Moslems in these part of the globe, but under the patronage of Syaikh Almad al-Faruqi al-Sirhindi under the auspices of Sultan Jahangir managed to cordon off which would eventually lead to astray from any form of innovations and discords. Prior to that, Jalal al-Din claimed that God al-Mighty will delegate an illiterate person to anull the religion of prophet Muhammad pbuh at the beginning of every one-thousand years in the Islamic Hijriyyah calendar that called for the unity of all religions in India that comprised of up of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christians and so forth during his time. He also called for Moslems to tighten up their Islamic practices until to the extend that forcibly the Moslems to succumb to thier whims and fancies. With the will of God, to save the religion, the situation for the favour of Moslems favour of the Moslems. After the demise of Jalal al-Din , history have witnessed an Islamic reformer al-Imam Syaikh Ahmad al-Faruqi who came to approach Sultan Jahangir, the sucessor of the late King Jalal al-Din to lend a helping hand to save the religion and the fate of Moslems. The new King was highly concerned and very optimistic with the religion of Islam, hence Imam Syaikh Ahmad al-Faruqi who was the reformer and his approach had really bore fruitfull result for the
important course for the survival of the religion of India.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Esmail, A. E. (2019). Embracement of Deviant Thoughts By Rulers and Tt’s Impact Towards the Nation: A Study on Jalal Al-Din Akbar (1556-1605) and His Call for Unity of Religion. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 2(2), 1–13. Retrieved from http://jurnal.usas.edu.my/altakamul/index.php/altakmulfiles/article/view/31