Ibn Hazm on the Role of Human Reasoning in Accepting “Al-Khabar”: With Special Reference to Selected Qur’anic Verses and Gospel Narratives on ‘Isa (p.b.u.h.)
Quran, Gospels, shubbiha lahum, theory of Substitution, human's sensesAbstract
This paper examines Ibn Hazm‟s position on the role of human reasoning in judging the reliability and validity of news (al-khabar). Quranic verses and Gospel narratives on the manner of the end of the life of prophet ‘Isa (p.b.u.h.), which is at the root of variance between Islam and Christianity, were looked into, and focus was be given to Ibn Hazm‟s stance and understanding of these verses and narratives. The study is based on textual analysis of Ibn Hazm‟s interpretation of the Quranic phrase “shubbiha lahum” which Ibn Hazm offers in his al-Fasl, and his critiques of the Good Friday narratives, which he offers in the same work. The study finds that Ibn Hazm‟s position on the meaning of “shubbiha lahum” is directly connected to his attitude towards all reports on religions, particularly the scriptures.
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