Dilalah Ijaz (briefly): Relationship between faith and life in the selected verses of Juz ‘Amma
Dilalah, Ijaz, Juz 'Amma, Semantic, TafsirAbstract
One of the miracles of the Quran is through Dilalah (semantics); of uslub Ijaz (briefly) in which the information communicated by using a little narration. The objective of this article is to analyse Dilalah of Ijaz found in Juz „Amma to reveal the meanings implicit in this language style. Interpretation of the first and second verse, surah al Ikhlas (Qur'an 112: 1 and 2) are examples in this analysis. This study used a qualitative research methodology of content analysis. While the views of commentators and scholars in various disciplines have become the norms in the process. Through this analysis we have shown that there is relationship between faith and life through Dilalah of Ijaz in the verses which were chosen in this study. Implicit meanings that appear on uslub of Ijaz have led Dilalah to become wider and deeper. Hopefully, this study will add to the impact of future studies in the supremacy of the Qur'an reveals aspects of language. This article proposes a transformation of interpretation of the Qur'an (in terms of language) to make a greater impact for the readers without separating wahyu and intellect.
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