Qur'anic Readings in our Time Between Propagation and Receding
Qur'anic Readings, Present Era, Propagation, RecedingAbstract
This article aims to identify the reality of Qur'anic Readings in this era, and highlights the efforts exerted to spread them and revive what has almost disappeared from them. It is known as the current Qur'anic narrations. It also mentions the spread of Qur'anic narrations that do not have an audience to read. As well as it discusses the role of modern technology in the dissemination of Qur'anic readings. In this paper, the researcher used the descriptive and inductive method to trace the spread of Qur'anic narrations that are currently prevalent in the world. The researcher believes that this era is the era of prosperity of Qur'anic Readings. Therefore, the universities are competing to open some programs to teach the Qur'anic Readings, in view of the increasing number of the students that are wishing to specialize in this field, no doubt that the Qur'anic Readings are all inspired by Allah and a great Islamic heritage which should be preserved.
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