A Study of Al-Zamakhshari’s Methodology of Gharib Al-Hadith in his Book Al-Faiq


  • Shayuthy Abdul Mannas Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University
  • Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Ibrahim Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University


al Zamakhshari, approach, interpretation, theological view


This study focused on clarifying approach Imam al Zamakhshari in his book "Al-Faiq fi Ghareeb al – Hadith”. His methodology of handling “Ghareeb al– Hadith” was in a extra ordinary manner that no one achieve it before, because He has possessed the most important qualities that should be on those who want to delve deeper into the field of "Ghareeb al– Hadith" a witty character in the science of the Arabic language and the arts. Through the author's personal study provides the reality of this area and its importance in extracting meaning from words to be strange words al Alfadz al ghareebah according to the Arabic linguistic rules and regulations in conformity with the law of the Prophet’s conditions, and purposes. The study elaborates briefly “al-Zamakhshari” as a man, and his efforts in his book "Al-Faiq", and to clarify the method briefly in the major three key aspects, His method in order of strange words and their interpretation, His approach to strengthening prophetic traditions by examining the evidences, and enumerating narrative evidence of Quranic verses and hadith, the statement of the Arabs, and his approach in excogitation of rules from prophetic traditions, and the impact of his theological view belongs to it. The study attempts to extract the most important knowledge and Arts addressed by the author through the presentation of some of the examples listed in support of his opinion.


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How to Cite

Abdul Mannas, S., & Muhammad Ibrahim, M. S. (2021). A Study of Al-Zamakhshari’s Methodology of Gharib Al-Hadith in his Book Al-Faiq. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 4(1), 1–26. Retrieved from http://jurnal.usas.edu.my/altakamul/index.php/altakmulfiles/article/view/62