Balancing Between Good and Bad in the South Thailand Society: The Advocacy of Dealing with Violators as Case Study
Balancing, Good Bad, applying, Southern Thailand, ViolatorAbstract
The research purpose is to clarify the concept of balancing between benefits and harms, its legality in Islam, and its fundamentals, besides the way of practicing it in Southern Thai Community through the Balancing Jurisprudence of Politeness of Al-doua't to violators in the treatment. The researcher used the descriptive and analytical methods. The results showed that there are scientific steps of practicing the Balancing of Politeness with the violators in Southern Thai Community, including determining the nature of the enemy, and the appropriate amount to deal with. So Politeness must be practiced by influential figures in order not to harm Muslims by their decisions, while ensuring the public benefits and harms from the special, to develop the non-private community, besides reducing and limiting the circle of conflict. The most important recommendations are: Paying attention to the knowledge of the legitimate purposes, especially with regard to the field of da'wah, and to establish the centers of Al-da’wah and scientific institutions to create an encyclopedia of the most important contemporary da'wah issues that are related to their Benefits and Harms, which allow Al-daie to discuss and to express their opinion in the various scientific councils.
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