al-Ma’rifi2025-01-01T10:21:29+08:00Al-Takamul Secretariat Journal Systems<p>Al-Takamul al-Ma’rifi: The Journal of Islamic Studies & Social Science is an online, peer-reviewed, trilingual (English, Arabic and Malay), interdisciplinary journal that publishes conceptual, theoretical and empirical papers. The journal welcomes and acknowledges high quality original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical, and simulation models in Islamic Studies and Social Sciences with particular attention to the niche areas of usuluddin & shari'ah, psychology & counselling, political science, education, history, communication, theology & comparative religion. The journal is published biannually; that is in June and December.</p> al-Hilah dalam Aplikasi Akad Tawarruq di Bursa Suq al-Sila’2025-01-01T09:48:57+08:00Mohamad Rizal M. N.<p><em>Islamic banking in Malaysia uses various contracts as the basis for Islamic financial products. Among them is the tawarruq contract, which introduced to replace the bay’ al-‘inah contract. Tawarruq is the most widely used contract by Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia today due to its flexibility, making it suitable for various financial products, including financing, deposits, and liquidity management. However, the legality of the tawarruq contract is debated among both classical and contemporary scholars, as it is believed to contain elements of al-hilah (legal stratagems). This study focuses on analyzing the elements of al-hilah and their status according to contemporary scholars in financial products such as personal financing based on the tawarruq contract offered through the Bursa Suq al-Sila’ (BSAS) platform. Data were obtained through a literature review and field studies, including in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using methods derived from the disciplines of usul al-fiqh (principles of Islamic jurisprudence) and maqasid al-shari‘ah (objectives of Islamic law), as the discussion involves evaluating matters according to Islamic law. The findings indicate that there are no elements of al-hilah al-ribawiyyah (usurious stratagems) in the financial products studied. The tawarruq contract can be categorized as al-hilah al-mashru‘ah (permissible stratagem) or al-makhraj (legal exit), in line with maqasid al-shari‘ah. Therefore, personal financing based on the tawarruq contract, along with other financial products, is permissible. However, further studies are needed, as concentration risk may arise if this contract is used too extensively.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Berkaitan Bukan Muslim: Analisis terhadap Sumber Penghujahan dalam Fatwa Negeri Perak2025-01-01T09:53:09+08:00Mohd Faizal Abdul<p><em>Fatwa is an important institution in Islamic society. It provides legal rulings and clarifies issues that arise within the community. In the context of Malaysia, it is closely relevant to non-Muslims, given the country’s diverse multi-religious population. Accordingly, the fatwas issued must encompass elements involving non-Muslims. Ideally, the arguments presented in fatwas concerning non-Muslims should be well-founded and widely accepted.Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the aspects of reasoning behind fatwas issued by the Perak State Fatwa Committee concerning non-Muslims. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the arguments used to establish a fatwa. It emphasises on fatwas published from 1994 to 2015.</em> <em>To achieve the objective, the discussion is based on literature sources and the information is analysed using thematic, descriptive, inductive, and deductive methods. This paper begins with an introduction that broadly outlines its content. The discussion then focuses on the aspects of fatwas published from 1994 to 2015. The culmination of the discussion is the analysis of the reasoning in fatwas issued by the Perak State Fatwa Committee concerning non-Muslims. This paper concludes that the sources of reasoning in the fatwas of Perak are not limited to traditional sources, but also incorporates contemporary sources</em>.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pengetahuan Akidah dalam Kalangan Para Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Agama Orang Asli Nurul Hidayah, Kg Kenang Sungai Siput, Perak2025-01-01T09:14:28+08:00Sakinah A. Fuad Nurleha Hafiy A. Naim<p><strong> </strong><em>Aqidah (creed/belief/faith) is strongly emphasized in Islam and underlies the entire life of a Muslim individual. In fact, it is the main thing that is prioritized for those who have just embraced Islam. Among the main essences of the Prophet’s S.A.W preaching during the Makkiah phase were the creed from the aspect of faith in Allah, proofs of the greatness of Allah S.W.T, and emphasis on the belief in the Day of Retribution. The indigenous people (Orang Asli) in Malaysia who have embraced Islam are among those who receive attention in Islamic education. The existence of religious secondary schools specifically for the indigenous people proves the attention given by the government to the religious education of the indigenous in general. This study is related to the understanding of faith among students at Nurul Hidayah Indigenous Religious Secondary School at Sungai Siput, Perak,which aimed to identify the level of faith understanding that includes the six pillars of faith among students in this school. This study is a quantitative research involving 19 respondents. A questionnaire instrument using a binary scale of correct or incorrect was used to collect data. The data set was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 for descriptive analysis in the form of frequency and percentage. The results of the study found that the level of faith knowledge among students in this school was at an excellent level. Indirectly, this showed that the results of religious education for the students of this school are very good.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kompaun Binatang Berkeliaran yang Ditangkap atau Disita oleh Pihak Berkuasa: Analisis Hukum dan Pandangan Ulama2025-01-01T09:22:02+08:00Junainah Hanim Mohamed Nor Nurulhuda S Ab Fuad<p><em>One of the causes of road accidents is due to livestock roaming unexpectedly, leading to the loss of human life and intellect as well as damage to property. Several issues arise when the Local Authorities (PBT) receive numerous recurring complaints regarding animals roaming in residential areas and on the roads. In response, the Local Authority (PBT) has taken action against animal owners by imposing fines. This study aims to analyse the legal reasonableness of imposing fines in the form of compounds on animal owners whose livestock roam freely without supervision. This is a qualitative study that utilises two main methods, namely the data collection and data analysis. In the data collection phase, the method used is document review, including sources from the Quran, Sunnah, books, journals, and Islamic manuscripts. The second phrase is data analysis by reviewing and scrutinising the data obtained to align with the study’s objectives. The findings of the study found that most scholars from the madhhab Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali agree that losses should be imposed on livestock owners to ensure maṣlahah and prevent harm. Therefore, the acceptance of compound for stray animals that are captured or confiscated by the authorities from livestock owners is permissible, in order to ensure the safety of the community, such as preventing the loss of life, intellect, and property through maṣlahah al-maqaṣidi.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analisa Faktor Permasalahan Pengurusan Pertukaran Jantina Pesakit Disorder Of Sex Development (DSD) Muslim di Malaysia2025-01-01T10:10:49+08:00Anisatul-Qalbi M. Maslukma W.<p><em>Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) refers to individuals with abnormal genetic, gonadal, or anatomical conditions. DSD patients with khunsa-status gender dysphoria often require gender reassignment and surgery to repair or remove one of the genitals. However, problems such as misdiagnosis and lack of psychosocial support interfere with the management of DSD patients. In addition, DSD management varies according to culture and location, neglect of patient background details, bad experiences with medical professionals, contribute to management weaknesses and adversely affect the patient's life. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM), Chancellor Tuanku Muhriz Hospital (HCTM), the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM), and the National Registration Department (JPN) are the main agencies that handle DSD patients. This paper discusses the problem factors in the gender change process of muslim DSD patients in Malaysia through qualitative studies and literature reviews. The study found six problem factors that caused the issue of patient welfare, their rights and parents' decisions regarding doctor's research. These issues have significant implications for the lives of DSD muslim patients, such as difficulties in worship, finding a job, problems related to get married and so on. Suggested improvements include awareness, coordination of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), registration, legislation, and guidance. The implications of this study are expected to serve as a guide for DSD patients and authorities.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Islamic TV Programs and Their Influence on Society2025-01-01T09:21:52+08:00Hazwani Abdul<p>Islamic TV programs are programs that narrowcast audience in the Muslim range. The existence of Islamic TV programs in Malaysia are phenomenal with the appearance of variance variety shows such as<em> ‘Imam Muda’, ‘Pencetus Ummah’, ‘30 Minit Ustaz Don’ </em>and many more. It is infrequent that Muslims from every level of age, are keen to watch this kind of program. Due to that, a conceptual paper has been conducted by applying qualitative method via reviewing aforementioned studies to evaluate on opinions in terms of the characteristics of Islamic TV programs and the influence of them on the society. Several studies found that religious TV programs can be effective in stimulating society to modify their attitude towards it. The implication of this study is to educate people to understand that by watching Islamic TV programs can provide religious indoctrinate to be performed by the society. This study is only narrowing to conceptual paper. It is suggested for future researcher conduct original research by investigating not only characteristics of Islamic TV programs but also includes the impacts of religious TV programs on society in terms of cognitive, behavioural and psychological changes.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Integrity in Learning of Faculty Members on Moral Behaviour of Students2025-01-01T09:18:15+08:00Zurina<p>Academic honesty is a core principle in educational settings, guaranteeing that students uphold integrity and authenticity in their academic endeavours. Integrity is among the ethical values associated with moral rectitude. Higher education institutions are crucial in supplying a nation with the necessary skilled workforce to promote environmentally responsible development. For academic institutions to attain their objectives and effectively address societal needs, the ethical conduct of diverse stakeholders is essential. To elevate standards of ethics and integrity, there must be a focus on holistic organizational enhancement, spanning from grassroots to top-level management. Comprehensive involvement of all stakeholders will greatly enhance the integrity of the organization. Therefore, this scholarly research explored the ramifications of professional integrity of faculty members on students' moral behaviour at Faculty of Management and Information Technology and Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social Science, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Kuala Kangsar, Perak. The participants for this study were chosen randomly using a sampling method. The results showed the level of academic integrity awareness among USAS students remains low as the majority of students have engaged in academic dishonesty at least once, which includes plagiarism, cheating, and unapproved collaboration. This has an impact on students' moral behaviour. The findings of this study can aid academic institutions in Malaysia to enhance their governance framework and ethical code. To improve future studies, it is suggested that the data collection process be more comprehensive. This would facilitate a clearer understanding of the diversity in the implementation of good governance and integrity practices across academic institutions.</p> <p> </p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025التأدب في إعراب لفظ الجلالة (الله): دراسة تحليلية في الجدول في إعراب القرآن لمحمود صافي2025-01-01T10:21:29+08:00Syazwani Ismail S<p><em>The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of politeness toward Allah the Almighty and how to express it in Arabic grammatical contexts. The study focuses on the grammatical and morphological rules associated with this word. It also examines the linguistic perspectives adopted by scholars when interpreting this term in religious texts, particularly Quranic verses. Therefore, the researchers selected one of the most well-known books on Quranic grammar in the twentieth century, "Al-Jadwal fi I'rab al-Qur'an" by Mahmoud Safi (1985). The research utilized descriptive method for text analysis and the inductive method for the syntactic analysis. One of the study's main findings is Mahmoud Safi uses the basic method in grammar, without altering certain terms that grammarians sometimes modify to align with the majesty and greatness of Allah. It is essential to prioritize meaning over traditional grammatical terms in order to uphold the respect due to Allah Almighty.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024التهاجر بين المسلمين: بواعثه وآليات التعامل معه وسبل الوقاية منه دراسة على واقع العالم الإسلامي المعاصر2025-01-01T08:40:12+08:00Al-Qasemi Tawfik Abdulrahman<p><em>The Muslim community experience a state of division and estrangement that is unprecedented in the history of the Islamic nation. There is hardly any manifestation that unites and unifies Muslims. The situation of Muslims has reached the worst state of weakness. This research aims to identify the reality of abandonment, explain its motives and effects, extract means of prevention, and review examples of the forms of abandonment that the contemporary Islamic world suffers. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach by following the texts and effects mentioned in abandonment. The research concluded that the forbidden abandonment is driven by personal revenge, and that the motives for abandonment may be subjective and arise from an imbalance in the person, or potentially the result of external factors. The research also emphasized the importance of activating legitimate means and educational methods to prevent disagreement and limit its negative effects on the individual and collective levels.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024المدة التي تقدر بها الكفاية في الزكاة: دراسة فقهية مقارنة2025-01-01T09:21:51+08:00Anwar Osman<p><em>Allah, the Exalted, has determined the eight known categories who are eligible for zakat. The first is the poor and the needy. While the concepts of poverty and need are generally understood, there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding their precise definition for the purpose of distributing zakat. This disagreement stems from differing interpretations of the proofs that each scholar adheres to. One important aspect of determining whether a person is entitled to zakat is the concept of kifayah (sufficiency), specifically the period over which sufficiency is considered. Previous research on this topic has not sufficiently addressed this aspect, lacking convincing evidence. Therefore, this study aims to analyse and interpret the different scholarly opinions in a jurisprudential context in order to reach a superior conclusion. This study is based on the method of inference, gathering data from authoritative sources in fiqh (jurisprudence), usul (fundamental principles), hadith books as well as scholarly articles. In terms of data analysis, the study applies textual analysis within the qawa’id usuliyyah lughawiyyah (linguistic fundamental maxims), maqasid (purposes) of the Shariah, and the science of jarh wa ta’dil (criticism and validation) of the hadith narrators. The study concluded that scholars follow two primary approaches in defining sufficiency as it pertains to the poor and the needy. The first approach does not take into account any period for the interpretation, and it further branches into interpretation based on either the possession of nisab (the bare minimum for the obligation of paying zakat) or possession of 50 dirhams. The second approach incorporates a time frame, which considering the average lifespan of a person or a whole year. After analysing the evidence of each approach, the researcher gives preponderance to the opinion of linking the period of one year in interpreting sufficiency. This means that those who do not possess wealth to last for one year are considered poor and thus eligible for zakat. This provides clarity on an issue that has long been debated among scholars, offering compelling evidence to resolve the disagreement. It also fills a gap in the existing literature and makes a valuable contribution to the field of Islamic jurisprudence, particularly in the of zakat.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024