Global Journal Al-Thaqafah <p>Global Journal Al-Thaqafah (GJAT) is a global, peer-blind reviewed inter and multidisciplinary journal aims at promoting, developing &amp; providing a deep understanding of the Islamic fundamental understanding, principles, schools, and dedicated to established reputation publishing scholarly research, empirical and theoretical studies, analysis, and reviews on all aspects of Islam, Muslims, and related religious studies.</p> <p>Published in Malay, English and Arabic, the scope of GJAT includes but are not limited to become one of the leading platforms in the world for new findings and discussion of all fields (Science &amp; Technology, Social Sciences, Arts &amp; Humanities) related to Islamic world, religious studies and with significant Muslim communities. GJAT also publish book reviews that address pertinent topics in the field of Islam and the modern world. In review articles and commentary section essays including short notes, GJAT covers miscellaneous topics from different dimensions with special references to the related literature.</p> en-US (Professor Kamaruzaman Jusoff (Editor-in-Chief)) (Muhammad Hafizzudin Zakaria (Managing Editor)) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Awareness And Motivation In Crowdfunding For Islamic Banking And Finance Research <p>Research in academia is important for universities in Malaysia, as the Ministry of Education aspires to improve the quality of tertiary education and promotes innovation in the country. However, insufficient funding has restrained the activity of university research. To address this situation, the crowdfunding has become a new alternative for academic research support. This study investigates three main issues regarding crowdfunding in Islamic banking and finance research, namely, level of awareness, willingness and motivation to donate. The study employed a qualitative method. Several interview sessions were conducted with religious councils, financial institutions, crowdfunding platforms, and finance scholar. The findings show that 1) the level of crowdfunding is relatively low, 2) most respondents are willing to donate and 3) the motivations for donation are due to nonmonetary and social returns. Therefore, the regulators and policy makers should conduct continuous campaign on crowdfunding via social media platforms to spread awareness about the benefits of crowdfunding at various levels of society.</p> Shofiyyah, M., Aisyah, A.R., Shifa, M.N. Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Halal cosmetics: External pressures to adopt Halal certification <p>This study investigates external factors that pressure Malaysian cosmetic manufacturers to adopt Halal certification in the business. The government, customer, competitor, supplier pressure and government support have been derived as the external pressures for this study. The study has been conducted through a structured questionnaires, and non-probability sampling procedure is employed. At the end of the data collection period, a total of 143 responses from cosmetics manufacturers are obtained. SPSS is used to perform statistical analysis in this study. The results indicate that all five external factors are significantly related towards Halal certification adoption among cosmetic manufacturers in Malaysia. The Halal certified cosmetic manufacturers has indicated that the level of pressure is higher to adopt Halal certification in comparison with non Halal certified cosmetic manufacturers. This study contributes in terms of understanding the underlying dimensions of driven factors and obstacles of Halal certification adoption within the context of the future adopters. Perhaps, a new perspective from which many more studies could be developed. The results of the study can serve as guidelines to the practitioner and the policymakers.<br><br></p> Nur Syazana Zulkifli, Azmawani Abd Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Food Quality and Safety in Japan: Exploring Ḥalᾱlan Tayyiban Aspect <p>In food production, the quality and safety aspect of a product must be at optimal level. To maintain good and nutritional quality, all aspects of food chain must be monitored. In Japan, all measures are being taken seriously from handling, preparation and storage of food. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries along with Food Safety Commission of Japan are committed to protect the integrity of the food chain. The regulatory requirement of Japan for food is critical, ensuring every food product in the shelves are at their utmost quality following the international and local food regulations. Accordingly, the spirit of food quality and safety lays on the basis of halalan thayyiban concept in Islam. Thus, this paper attempts to contribute to this growing area of research by exploring on the thayyiban aspect of food underpinned in the prevalent concept of halal food in Islam, focusing on the food quality and safety in Japan.</p> Raihana Mohd Raffi, Quamrul Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Maslahah Approach Towards Imposition of Ta’widh in Islamic Banking <p>The permissible imposition of ta’widh on the delay repayment against financing in Islamic banking is based on the ijitihad made by Shariah advisor of bank as a maslahah. The concept of maslahah and mafsadah are always used as a guide by Muslim Scholars to resolve contemporary Muslim problems. For this research, the instrument used to obtain the data is through library method and field research. The data was then analyzed using inductive and deductive method to see whether or not maslahah approach towards this issue is in line with its concept and objective. Generally, results showed that the late payment charges imposed by Islamic banking have conformed to the real maslahah concept by celebrating both parties, banks and customers, based on some aspects investigated such as the law imposition of ta’widh itself, the basis and the rate of ta’widh imposition, as well as ta’widh clauses in contracts. Thus, this research has found out that the Islamic banking institutions in Malaysia need to improve on the implementation of ta’widh as one of the ways to prevent customers from the lapse of repaying to the bank.</p> Norazlina, M., Ridzwan, A. Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Post-Marriage Division of Matrimonial Property (Harta Sepencarian) in Malaysian Shariah Court <p>Halal in Islam is a wide concept. It does not only cover dietary consumption, indulgence and services but also other matters under the rubric of halal and haram including the division of matrimonial property. The practice of dividing matrimonial property is often associated with unfairness to the claiming parties due to the non-clarity of the existing provision in providing appropriate and fair methods. The current provision causes the court to adopt different interpretations in ascertaining allocated shares to the divorced parties. This is mainly because contribution is considered as a sole criterion in dividing the assets. Other factor such as well-being of the minor dependent are often disregarded. Thus, the study aims to examine the effective law being used by the court in dividing matrimonial property of those couple who have divorced. Content analysis was conducted on a carefully selected sample of unreported cases, collected from six zones representing Shariah Courts in Malaysia. A total of 215 samples were selected for the study where analysis was made based on several variables such as the mode of division, scope of matrimonial asset, elements of consideration and proportion of share. Finding of this study indicates that contribution remains as a sole criterion used by the court to determine the share of parties. Thus, this study suggests that in order to commensurate the actual practice of the Shariah Court, it is pertinent that the issue should be resolved by amending the existing law, taking into consideration a lot of other factors for fair and equitable proportions in the division of matrimonial assets thereby preserving the halal status of the property dispersal.</p> Noorul Huda, Sahari, Siti Khadijah, A. M Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Shariah Auditing and Shariah Compliance Assurance in Malaysian Islamic Banks <p>the crucial governance role of providing Shariah compliance assurance. In order to maintain the integrity of the bank in conforming with religious faith SBs should have the talent and skills for an effective monitoring which among others include contributing to Shariah audit task. To gain an in-depth understanding on the Shariah compliance audit role of SB, our present study has performed semi-structured interviews with 14 key players at two fully-fledge Islamic banks. Our study shows that the diverse Shariah and non-Shariah backgrounds of SB members could result in a more holistic view of Shariah issues, being more vocal in giving opinion and critism on the Shariah audit practices undertaken by Islamic banks. However, our findings reveal the existence of imbalance competency among SB members and the absence of proper Shariah audit framework in the two banks governance framework. As a result, most of the SB members delegate their Shariah audit role to be mainly performed by their Shariah audit division whose outcome will be submitted to them for approval. We argue that this passive role of SB members triggers concern on their independence and, consequently, compromised the Shariah compliance assurance provided to stakeholders.</p> Ahmad Fahmi Sheikh Hassan, Nurfarahin Mohd Haridan Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Simulating the Track and Trace of Halal Chicken Meat Produce <p>Track and trace in halal are globally used all over the world, and consumer still doubted about the halal status of the product in the market. The study focused on the halal critical points (HCP) in producing halal chicken meat to consumers. The objective of the study is to evaluate the existing track and trace system for halal fresh meat, to identify and adapt HCPs into the track and trace system and to measure the performance of the proposed system. There are four main stages considered in the study which are farm, slaughterhouse, producing plants and transportation. The data has been collected from a poultry company in Selangor, Malaysia. The method used throughout the study is literature search, in-depth interview, documentary analysis and simulation analysis. The results of the study state that there are 20 proposed HCPs from the literature search which based on four stages and the simulation model shows positivity in the output by using the proposed track and trace system for halal chicken produce. This study has also suggested a few recommendations for future study.<br><br></p> Shariff, S.S.R,, Mohzal, N.A. Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Herbal Plants for Safe and Halal Enriched Extracts <p>In compliance with the halal requirement,&nbsp;herbal processing to produce health beneficial products requires safe and food grade extraction protocols. Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) technique has been known to produce quality extracts from plants while minimizing the use of organic solvents. In this study, the quality of herbal extracts in terms of component contents and toxicity effects were determined. Three different herbal plants (Orthosiphon stamineus, Phyllantus niruri and Labisia pumila) were investigated using supercritical CO2 with foodgrade cosolvents. The bioactive compounds in the extracts were analyzed and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography. The component contents (g/ g extract) were found to be: O. stamineus (4.69% RA, 0.09% TMF, 0.41% SEN, 0.97% EUP), P. niruri (0.37% GA, 2.95% CO, 5.10% EA) and L. pumila (0.20% GA, 0.22% MG, 1.05% CA). These results showed comparable or better quality extracts than the previously reported findings. The toxicity test on the zebrafish embryos also showed no toxicity effects by the extracts. Thus, the extraction technique has been proven to be safe for the halal production of enriched extracts from herbal plants.</p> Masturah, M., Masniza, M. Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Hierarchical Model for the Consumption of Prohibited Food Elements during Necessity for Muslims <p>Islam is a religion that guides the lives of its believers by clearly explaining the lawful and the prohibited. Nevertheless, in the state of necessity (darurah), the prohibited is allowed with special boundaries, in order to preserve sustainability of life. However, the dispute among prominent scholars on this matter has led to doubt among the Muslim community. Therefore, whenever an issue arises, the Muslims become confused and are hesitant to consume food, which can be life-threatening. Thus, this article proposes a hierarchy of consumption for prohibited food elements during darurah as a sensible guide for the Muslims. For that purpose, the classical prominent jurists’ works are analysed to inductively propose two major reclassifications of prohibited food elements. Finally, based on the reclassification, a hierarchical model of consumption for prohibited food elements is presented as a summary of guidelines for the Muslims.</p> Mohd Hapiz Mahaiyadin, Muhammad Rahimi Osman, Amal Hayati Ishak Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Promotional Language of the Halal Food Industry: Some Preliminary Findings <p>The global halal food industry which is currently expanding exponentially presents a huge potential for Malaysia to make her mark in this business sector. In achieving its goal to become a global halal hub by 2020, emphasis should not merely be placed on the production of the halal food products but also on its promotional aspect. Hence, this paper will highlight some preliminary findings on the linguistic features of the promotional discourse of halal food. The research, which was based on textual-linguistic analysis, utilised corpus-based technique and discourse analysis to examine one hundred written materials on halal food. The study revealed the importance of creative interplay of interdiscursivity and intertextuality which was evidenced in the lexical and phrasal constructions, discursive structures and visual representations in marketing the halal food. The findings also showed that despite the strong demands for halal certification, some local manufacturers did not display any certifications for their food products. The study provides some suggestions in improving the promotion of halal food which include certification issue and, infusion of cultural and socio-religio elements. In short, this preliminary study shows the importance of utilising the most appropriate language in conveying the idea of ‘halal’ as prescribed in the Holy Quran especially in gaining the trust of the consumers.</p> Adlina Ariffin, Wan Nor Fasihah W.M.Fadzlullah Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Aplikasi Prinsip Islam Dalam Pengurusan Alam Sekitar Lestari Menurut Perspektif Kitab Al-Jidar <p>many aspects, including food, beverages, pharmaceutical and others. Islamic jurisprudence in the sustainability of environment is also falls under the rubric of halal and haram. Nature is a precious blessing bestowed by Allah Almighty for the benefit of humankind. Humans are as caliphs of God are accountable to govern and appropriately manage this world. Nevertheless, as a result of human greed in exploiting natural resources, the environment today is jeopardized with degradation and devastation. This situation urges the comprehensive implementation of sustainable development as the best solution for current and future generations. Sustainable development is not a new concept in Islam, but has existed for the past several centuries as described in the Quran and the As-Sunnah. It was also expended by fuqaha’ through their fatwa, judgment, and writing. However, there was limited studies focused on the sustainability from Islamic perspective, in general and based on the classical text of Islamic jurisprudence, in particular. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify the application of Islamic principles in sustainable environmental management, according to Kitab Al-Jidar. The elements examined encompass water and wastewater management, waste, sewage, and air quality. This study employs qualitative methods. An in-depth reading is accomplished on Kitab Al- Jidar as the primary resource. The first step is the translation phase of the text, followed by the content analysis method to extract the Islamic principles outlined in the book and glimpse its application for adaptation in the current context. The study found that there are four (4) fundamental principles of sustainable environmental management applied in Kitab Al-Jidar. It covers; a) La Dharar Wa La Dhirar b) Recognizing and respecting the rights of others, 3) Social responsibility, and 4) Objection. The paper concludes that holistic, efficient, and complex sustainable development solutions can be comprehended by fully embracing and adhering to the Islamic principles. It is hoped that this paper will cultivate awareness and a positive impact on the community towards nourishing a sustainable environment according to the Islamic parameters in Malaysia.</p> Sharifah Fadylawaty, S. A., Nurzahidah, J. Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Pendidikan Kesedaran Halal Melalui Kurikulum Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Islam Sekolah-Sekolah Di Malaysia <p>The concept of halal awareness has been extended to all departments and agencies and organizations in Malaysia to Muslim consumers. However, education on the concept of halal and awareness of the right to use of Muslims on halal products has not been expanded among students in schools. Students only gain basic knowledge and knowledge of halal concepts through Islamic Education learning in schools. The purpose of this study is to look at the extent to which halal awareness education programs are being disseminated by agencies involved with students in schools. In addition, this study also examines the extent to which this halal conceptual education and awareness is practiced in schools through Islamic Education subjects. This study is a library study by analyzing documents such as the Curriculum Standard Document (DSK) of Islamic Education subjects, articles and scientific studies. This study found that information related to the concept of education and halal awareness was not widely disseminated to students in schools. Whereas the implementation and understanding of halal education is taught in schools through the study of Islamic Education subjects but not in a specific and broad subject.<br><br></p> Noraizan, M., Syuhaida Idha, A. R. Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Penipuan Pakej Umrah: Penyelesaian Daripada Perspektif Perniagaan Islam <p>Many among the victims of umrah package scams have appeared on television and in the press have been witnessing the widespread activity of umrah package scams. Umrah package scams have become a syndicate in Malaysia with a variety of fraudulent methods, using artist influence, Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) methods and so on. Low levels of awareness among the public are among the factors contributing to this fraudulent activity. Islam has outlined clear rules regarding lawful business activities in Islamic law. Thus any form of fraud and obscurity that does not meet the requirements of the Islamic law is avoided. The objective of this study is to identify cases of umrah fraud. In addition, this study describes Islamic business strategies as an attempt to deal with umrah packages. The methodology of this study is a conceptual study involving studies in journal articles, books and mass media. The results of this study discuss the cases of Umrah fraud and the Islamic business approach to address the umrah fraud case among the public. This study suggests that more consumer awareness programs be carried out from various parties, especially the government. Umrah companies and umrah management should take responsibility for running a business that produces halal profits in Islam. In addition, academic studies on umrah package frauds need to be intensified to get rid this umrah fraud scheme.</p> Nurul’Ain, M., Khairul Faezi, M. S. Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 إمكانية السياحة الحلال في بنغلاديش: التحديات والآفاق <p>Halal tourism has recently emerged as part of global tourism, which is based on Islamic principles and legitimate controls, and has a significant impact and wide-ranging influence that must be taken care of and taken into account. Bangladesh is one of the largest countries with the largest Muslim population, so its human resources, natural beauty, heritage and Islamic monuments have good potential to be part of the halal tourism industry. The research aims to highlight the reality of the potential of halal tourism in Bangladesh because of the presence of key elements of tourism, tours and excursions. Some Islamic countries such as Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and others have also succeeded. Although it has great opportunities to improve this new trend in Islamic tourism, there are internal and external obstacles that challenge its application and development in the country. The research followed a descriptive approach, gathering information and data from various books, articles, newspapers, magazines and from global tourism-related bodies in Bangladesh, such as the World Travel and Tourism Board. All data obtained from secondary sources were then analyzed, and some recommendations were finally concluded. The research attempted to provide some measures and recommendations to improve this entire potential well to develop halal tourism in Bangladesh, to attract halal tourists from Islamic and non-Muslim countries.</p> Muhammad Moinuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800