Classroom to Class Zoom: Lived Realities in Teaching English as a Second Language in the Philippine Context


  • Lachica, Louis Placido F. College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus, Capiz, Philippines



Classroom, Class Zoom, Constructs, ESL, Lived Realities


There are shifts in English language teaching in the Philippine context. This study utilized transcendental phenomenology to describe the lived realities of English language teachers until post-pandemic. Ricoeur's hermeneutic analysis was used in making sense of the data transcripts. Twenty language teachers served as participants. Peer review, reflexivity, and iteration all contributed to the trustworthiness of the findings. The findings demonstrated that the new normal and post-pandemic ESL teaching was challenging and demanding. The classroom environment has evolved and is easier than it seems. The challenges encountered were the learning delivery, budget allocation for materials, technical difficulties, social interaction, and the development of suitable instructional materials. The language teachers learned to be resilient, innovative, considerate, and open to changes. The views on ESL teaching enable teachers to adjust to the changes in the present setup. The essence of language teachers' lived realities serves as their guidance for more excellent learning facilitation. The lived realities of the ESL teachers altered and modified their constructs of English language teaching for the present and future.


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How to Cite

Lachica, Louis Placido F. (2024). Classroom to Class Zoom: Lived Realities in Teaching English as a Second Language in the Philippine Context. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(2), 1–10.