The unique ethno-mathematics of Al- Qur’an and Al-Hadith for pattern recognition of para-normal attacks.


  • Ahmad Faizul Shamsudin
  • Najhan Mohammad Ibrahim
  • Azmi Ahmad
  • Fadhil Shoib


cryptographs, ethno-mathematics, blockcipher


This search for patterns to depict paranormal attacks is premised on the non- parametric
ethno-mathematics of the ‘protective’
(Mu’awwidhatain) nature of the Al-Quran and AlHadith. It creates unique patterns of objects in the
substitution block-cipher boxes which may depict
para-normal patterns. Strangely, the security strength
of the non-parametric objects from the Al-Qur’an
and Al-Hadith characteristics are measured from
parametric algebraic attacks. Though it may seem
unconventional the objects yield unique patterns.
The extracted objects that form the unique patterns
however were insufficient to build the 256 bit blockciphers. The development of expanding objects from
other ancient scriptures filled up the differences
between these objects and the para-normal objects in
a pattern of a 256 bit block-cipher. The remaining
voids are to be filled up by random numbers that can
be replaced by the ethno mathematics of the
mysterious ancient Jawi scripts. It may also increase
the security strength of the block cipher pattern,
though this may not be critical.




How to Cite

Shamsudin, A. F., Mohammad Ibrahim, N., Ahmad, A., & Shoib, F. (2018). The unique ethno-mathematics of Al- Qur’an and Al-Hadith for pattern recognition of para-normal attacks. Al-Qimah Al-Mudhafah, 4(1), 8. Retrieved from