Prinsip Al-Wiqayah dalam Kelestarian Alam Sekitar
environment, al-wiqayah, fiqh al-biah, environmental sustainability, nature conservationAbstract
"Prevention is better than cure" is an important principle emphasized in the Qur'an as a guide to prevent danger before treatment. The Qur'an emphasizes many preventive measures or the principle of al-wiqayah to restrain oneself from falling into the valley of danger and harm. An important principle emphasized in Islam is “dirham al-wiqayah khairun min qintar al-‘ilaj” which means a little preventive effort is better than a multiple cure effort. Islam places great emphasis on the preservation and conservation of the environment so that the sustainability of nature continues to be preserved. This is to ensure that the environment remains harmonious, comfortable and balanced to be inhabited by all of the inhabitants of the earth. Thus, this paper attempts to analyze the role of the principles of al-wiqayah in efforts to preserve the environment. To achieve these objectives, qualitative design was seen to suit the issue studied and document analysis technique was used as a method to obtain data. The selection of Quranic verses was done using purposive sampling. To ensure that the findings were produced objectively, the data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings show that the principle of al-wiqayah plays a role in preserving and conserving the environment for the survival of future generations.
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