Expressive Consistency in The Words of Qur‘an: A Study on al-Hilm (Forbearance)


  • Anwar Almustafa Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia


Expressive consistency, subjunction, al-Halim in the Holy Qur'an


Allah describes Himself in the Holy Qur’an with the descriptions of absolute perfection that only He is characterized by, including the attribute of al-hilm (forbearance). It is mentioned in many verses associated with different attributes. As reflecting on this wise and precise revelation is commanded, the reader has to find the wisdom and appropriateness of the words in the context in which they are mentioned, especially due to the fact that Allah describes Himself with al-hilm with varying context of the verses. The description of al-hilm in which Allah described Himself, differs between Qur’anic expressions, whether in the context of the verse, or in the description associated with it. The latter calls for care and contemplation in order to know the meanings that Allah intended from this diversification, association and divine choice in particular context. The article aimed to highlight the Qur’anic rhetorical consistency by diving into the meaning of al-hilm in which Allah describes Himself in terms of its relevance to the context of the verse in which it is mentioned and its association with various other attributes. This article adopted an inductive, analytical and comparative method by analyzing books of tafsir particularly in related points and books of Arabic Language – examining the information, splitting down its components and determining the causes and reasons with a comparison between the books. The article concluded many important results, the most important of which is: the rhetorical consistency is already defined in the Holy Qur’an in the subject of the study, which is the subjunction to the description of the al-hilm – its mentioning, advancing over other words and vis versa, and deviation from an attribute to it. Furthermore, it is in accordance to one of the various meticulous aspects.


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How to Cite

Almustafa, A. (2023). Expressive Consistency in The Words of Qur‘an: A Study on al-Hilm (Forbearance). Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 6(1), 1–25. Retrieved from