المدة التي تقدر بها الكفاية في الزكاة: دراسة فقهية مقارنة
zakat, the poor, sufficiency for the average life expectancy, period of sufficiency in zakatAbstract
Allah, the Exalted, has determined the eight known categories who are eligible for zakat. The first is the poor and the needy. While the concepts of poverty and need are generally understood, there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding their precise definition for the purpose of distributing zakat. This disagreement stems from differing interpretations of the proofs that each scholar adheres to. One important aspect of determining whether a person is entitled to zakat is the concept of kifayah (sufficiency), specifically the period over which sufficiency is considered. Previous research on this topic has not sufficiently addressed this aspect, lacking convincing evidence. Therefore, this study aims to analyse and interpret the different scholarly opinions in a jurisprudential context in order to reach a superior conclusion. This study is based on the method of inference, gathering data from authoritative sources in fiqh (jurisprudence), usul (fundamental principles), hadith books as well as scholarly articles. In terms of data analysis, the study applies textual analysis within the qawa’id usuliyyah lughawiyyah (linguistic fundamental maxims), maqasid (purposes) of the Shariah, and the science of jarh wa ta’dil (criticism and validation) of the hadith narrators. The study concluded that scholars follow two primary approaches in defining sufficiency as it pertains to the poor and the needy. The first approach does not take into account any period for the interpretation, and it further branches into interpretation based on either the possession of nisab (the bare minimum for the obligation of paying zakat) or possession of 50 dirhams. The second approach incorporates a time frame, which considering the average lifespan of a person or a whole year. After analysing the evidence of each approach, the researcher gives preponderance to the opinion of linking the period of one year in interpreting sufficiency. This means that those who do not possess wealth to last for one year are considered poor and thus eligible for zakat. This provides clarity on an issue that has long been debated among scholars, offering compelling evidence to resolve the disagreement. It also fills a gap in the existing literature and makes a valuable contribution to the field of Islamic jurisprudence, particularly in the of zakat.
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