Issues and Fatwas on Zakat Collection and Distribution in Thailand


  • Anwar Almustafa Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar 33000, Perak. Malaysia


Zakat in Thailand, Issues, Fatwas


There are several issues regarding zakat in reality that need to be raised and discussed in order to address them for zakat to play its great role as one of the five pillars of Islam. This study examined issues and fatwas related to zakat in Thailand, a Southeast Asian country with a Muslim minority. Concerned Muslims in Thailand felt the lack of impact of zakat on people’s lives, especially the groups eligible for zakat, as evidenced by the large presence of the poor and needy. While the Muslims’ wealth in recent years noticeably increased, in contrast. There have been only a few studies on the reality of zakat in Thailand, some of which are dated and others are in specific regions. Hence, this study aims to describe the reality of zakat and its management in Thailand, trying to highlight its issues and suggest solutions. In data collection, this qualitative study relied on interviewing people who are at the core of zakat management in Thai society at different levels, and also relied on various documents. Analysing data uses descriptive analytical approach. The study concluded that the administration of zakat in Thailand at the state level through Islamic religious councils did not cover the zakat fitrah compared to the zakat of properties except a small, intangible amount. This happens for several reasons, including: the lack of trust of merchants and the rich in the role played by the zakat fund in the council, which in turn is caused by several factors, among them: the lack of a comprehensive system to run the fund, the incompetence of its employees, and its lack of adequate promotion. The study suggested several solutions that the Islamic Central Council should implement, such as holding workshops to raise the efficiency of workers in zakat funds, and holding scientific seminars to present and discuss emerging zakat issues. It should be carried out by the Islamic religious councils in the states, such as improving the zakat of property’s management system in a way that guarantees rights of the people and boosts their confidence in it, and so on. These solutions are considered important for the concerned authorities in a step towards activating the purposes of zakat in the lives of Muslims in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Almustafa, A. (2024). Issues and Fatwas on Zakat Collection and Distribution in Thailand. Al-Takamul Al-Ma’rifi, 6(2), 1–19. Retrieved from