Aims & Scope

Global Journal Al-Thaqafah (GJAT) is a global, peer-blind reviewed inter and multidisciplinary journal aims at promoting, developing & providing a deep understanding of the Islamic fundamental understanding, principles, schools, and dedicated to established reputation publishing scholarly research, empirical and theoretical studies, analysis, and reviews on all aspects of Islam, Muslims, and related religious studies.

Published in Malay, English and Arabic twice a year (July and December), the scope of GJAT includes but are not limited to become one of the leading platforms in the world for new findings and discussion of all fields (Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities) related to Islamic world, religious studies and with significant Muslim communities. GJAT also publish book reviews that address pertinent topics in the field of Islam and the modern world. In review articles and commentary section essays including short notes, GJAT covers miscellaneous topics from different dimensions with special references to the related literature.

GJAT will build on the above solid foundation, retaining the same inter-multidisciplinary approach and area coverage. It is the editorial arrangements, the procedural processes in attracting and accepting manuscripts, and the outreach into different markets which GJAT wishes to further develop in the future.

Please read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.