Islamic Existential Psychotherapy as Intervention for Inter-Psyche Conflicts in Jinn Possession


  • Hamidi Abdul Rahman Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
  • Supyan Hussin Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi, Malaysia
  • Zaharom Ridzwan Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia



Complementary Therapy, Islamic Existential Psychotherapy, Jinn Possession, Mental Disorder, Psychotherapy


Jinn possession and mental disorder have overlapping symptoms, and different therapy disciplines may diagnose those with overlapping symptoms as either mental disorder or jinn possession or both. The different approaches to psychotherapy do not recognise the existence of jinn possession and thus may be shunned by those with jinn possession. Jinn is spiritually similar to humans and is accountable for their actions. Like the human, jinn has a psyche comprising the aql (intellect faculty) and the qalb (cognitive faculty). In jinn possession, the jinn psyche exists alongside the human psyche in the human body, creating inter-psyche conflicts between both psyches. The conflicts are not limited to psychological but can also extend to physical conflicts when both psyches compete to control the human central nervous system. Therapy for jinn possession requires changing the power balance to eliminate the dominance of the jinn psyche over the human psyche. Ruqyah can weaken the jinn’s physical ability, but psychotherapy is needed to strengthen the human mind to address the inter-psyche conflicts. Using Islamic existential philosophy as an approach, a new Islamic Existential Psychotherapy (IEP) discusses both human and jinn existential issues and the conflicts between the two species. The impact of IEP on 209 patients with jinn possession, 65 of them with mental disorders, who attended a treatment retreat programme was analysed. Thus, two main themes emerged in the IEP sessions, and IEP was highly successful in changing patients’ approach to the diagnosis of jinn possession, increasing their self-esteem, higher motivation, and compliance through the understanding of inter psyche conflicts. As a result, IEP is highly suitable for the psychological intervention of jinn possession as it recognises jinn possession and addresses inter-psyche conflicts between the jinn psyche and the human psyche. It is also in harmony with the belief of Muslims and is more palatable to Muslim clients in explaining issues such as the purpose and meaning of life, guilt, grief, and coping mechanisms. 


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How to Cite

Hamidi Abdul Rahman, Supyan Hussin, & Zaharom Ridzwan. (2024). Islamic Existential Psychotherapy as Intervention for Inter-Psyche Conflicts in Jinn Possession. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 23–35.