Predictors of Waqf Endowment: Mediating Effects of Attitude, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Controls


  • Norfarah Nordin Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
  • Siti-Nabiha Abdul Khalid Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia



Waqf Trustee, Religious Commitment, Planned Behavior, Waqf Intention


Religious commitment and Waqf trustee communication are important predictors of a typical Waqf intention. Yet little is known about the underlying mediating variables that account for these relationships. Based on assumptions derived from the Theory of Planned Behavior, the focus of this paper is to explain how religious commitment and Waqf trustee communication are predictors associated with Waqf intention with the underlying mechanism of human social psychology; i.e., the individual attitude, behavioral control towards Waqf, and Waqf subjective norms. An online survey (N=200 Muslim adults) was used to test the proposed relationships using PLS Algorithm, Bootstrapping, and Blindfolding analysis in SmartPLS software. The findings showed that religious commitment and Waqf trustee communication are directly related to one’s Waqf intention, with Waqf trustee communication showing stronger effect than religious commitment. In addition, behavioral control and subjective norms of Waqf significantly mediate the effect of religious commitment and Waqf trustee communication on Waqf intention. The attitude towards Waqf only mediates the effect of religious commitment to Waqf intention, but not of Waqf trustee communication. Our knowledge of these relationships is important as it can help advance the integration of social psychological factors in explaining the effect of religious commitment and trustee communication on Waqf intention.



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How to Cite

Norfarah Nordin, & Siti-Nabiha Abdul Khalid. (2024). Predictors of Waqf Endowment: Mediating Effects of Attitude, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Controls. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 1–12.