Acceptance of Gig Economy as a Source of Halal Income Among Muslim Graduates
Acceptance, Gig Economy, Halal Income, Muslim Graduates, Financial securityAbstract
In the current landscape, recent university graduates face challenges in securing sustainable income to cover daily expenses and establish future financial reserves. The gig economy, known for its flexibility and alignment with academic pursuits, has gained significance in addressing this need. The objectives of this study are two-folds, namely: (a) to assess the acceptance of the gig economy as a legitimate source of halal income among Muslim graduates in Kelantan, and (b) to determine the factors influencing their choice of gig-type jobs. Utilizing qualitative methods, the research employs purposive sampling, conducting semi-structured interviews with nine Muslim graduates from diverse academic backgrounds. Findings reveal that not all research participants have a right understanding of halal income although all of them accept the gig economy as a source of halal income. The findings also indicate that factors impacting their engagement in the gig economy include the need to earn a living, flexibility in their work schedules and acquisition of new skills. In conclusion, the study illuminates the intricate interplay of economic considerations, religious values, and vocational decisions. It can be implied from this study that valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and industry stakeholders supporting the aspirations of Muslim graduates elsewhere amid the evolving landscape of work. Future work should focus on a comprehensive investigation including multiple states can be undertaken to obtain a more elucidating perspective on this issue.
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