Consumer Boycott: The Effect of Religiosity and Consumer Attitudes
Religiosity, Consumer Attitudes, Boycott Involvement, Value-Attitude-Behaviour ModelAbstract
One way for customers to express their distaste or dissatisfaction with a business or nation due to unethical actions is through a boycott. Despite the significant increase in consumer boycotts, marketing has paid little attention to consumer boycott involvement. The value-attitude-behavior model serves two purposes: firstly, it evaluates the effect of religiosity on consumer attitudes that lead to boycott involvement, examining this relationship from both a traditional viewpoint and the perspective of Fiqh Muamalat. Secondly, it aims to investigate the role of consumer attitudes as a mediator between religiosity and boycott involvement. The sample consists of 330 Malaysian consumers. Data were acquired via an online survey and analysed using partial least squares structural equation modeling in SmartPLS version 3.2.9. According to the findings, both religiosity and consumer attitudes have a positive effect on boycott involvement, with consumer attitudes mediating the relationship between religiosity and boycott involvement. This study has contributed greatly to the theory and practice of boycotts from both conventional aspects and from an Islamic perspective. As a result, from a theoretical standpoint, this study contributes to the existing literature on boycott involvement and enhances understanding regarding how religiosity affects boycott involvement. As a result, religiosity has a positive impact on boycott involvement, aligning with Muamalat principles. Consumer attitudes act as mediators, emphasizing ethical and religious concerns over economic action. Furthermore, legislators and business owners should be attentive to consumers' religious beliefs to avoid unfairly boycotting user involvement.
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