Strengthening the Family Support Division (BSK) on Alimony for Muslim Women
Family Support Division (BSK), Alimony, Islamic Family Law, Muslim Women, Syariah CourtAbstract
The objective of the study is to identify the need to strengthen the Family Support Division (BSK) on alimony among Muslim women in Malaysia. In this qualitative analysis study, four of the highest-ranking members of the Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia (JKSM) and one expert from academic areas were interviewed in depth using a set of carefully selected questions that correlated with the objective of the research. The recorded interview material was then verbatim transcribed and coded with Nvivo software version 10. Several factors that prove the need for strengthening the Family Support Division (BSK), are the husband's failure to pay alimony, a lack of data exchange with other organizations in Malaysia, the increasing number of family law cases, and procedural issues in the Syariah Court. This article recommends that a more comprehensive family finance improvement module, involving the Malaysian Syariah Judicial Department (JKSM), Family Support Division (BSK), Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), and National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN), be established and implemented as early as the age of marriage to ensure the family institution's sustainability.
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