Empowering Career Pathways for Asnaf Faqir (Poor People)
Career, Zakat, Asnaf Faqir, Career Empowerment, Career PlanningAbstract
Every individual harbours a desire for a successful profession that aligns with their unique characteristics. Due to the diverse nature of human personalities, each person requires a distinct professional trajectory to discover a vocation that resonates with their individuality. The study focuses on identifying career pathways tailored for Asnaf Faqir individuals, who transition from being zakat receivers to zakat payers. Utilizing qualitative methods like the Delphi Technique through in-depth interviews, it explores factors facilitating successful professional transitions aligned with their unique characteristics. Thematic and Fuzzy Delphi analyses, along with input from career, spiritual, and local experts, validate seven career pathway indicators: career planning, information, decision-making, adaptability, support, spiritual alignment, and compromise. Twelve informants who successfully transitioned contributed to consensus-building through Focused Group Discussions. These indicators aim to empower Asnaf Faqir individuals towards socio-economic self-sufficiency, offering specialized paths to transform their roles in society. Future enhancements could leverage digital tools for online career counselling, virtual training, and mentoring, thereby broadening access to career resources crucial for their continued development and empowerment.
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