التناص: تحولات الشعرية البلاغية إلى الوظيفة النسقية

Intertextuality: Transformations of Poetic Rhetoric into the Systemic Function


  • Daad Rashrash Alnaser Department of Arabic Language & Literatureو United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), P.O. Box 15551, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates




Intertextuality, Rhetoric, Cultural Critique, Systemic


The study revolves around the intertextuality orbit in terms of its systemic attachment with cultural critique, where this rhetoric approach assumes a rhetoric capacity that exceeds the deliberative dimensions which are based on showing the poetic aspect of intertextuality and its ability to express the ideas of the text and that is done through creating a new post for it. This post is known as the systemic post and is originally associated with cultural critique and is based on procedural tools designed to create the cultural trick through which the profound meaning is passed. The meaning which Strauss added to the hidden meaning and Iceberger drafted in the underlying structure of the text. The study followed the possibility of this post manifesting itself in Arabic rhetoric and the western intertextuality theory, and did not find a clear impact. Therefore, it assumes that this post is new to intertextuality and this assumption is proven by an applied study which has been conducted on a creative text from the Abbasid Era. This text is Sahl bin Haroun’s letter on stinginess. The research concluded after careful study with results: intertextuality - the rhetorical device known in both Arab and foreign cultures - has a well-known pragmatic function related to the aesthetic and intellectual enrichment of the text linked with various quotations; intertextuality can be utilized in cultural critical studies by establishing the systemic function it possesses. In light of a systemic reading of intertextuality in the message of Sahl ibn Harun on miserliness, it became evident that the writer challenged the image of Arabs by reversing the trait of generosity and placed it on a low moral scale. Therefore, The study recommends following Arabic rhetoric research and studying it within a new vision so that the procedural tools are effective in adopting cultural critique.


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How to Cite

Daad Rashrash Alnaser. (2024). التناص: تحولات الشعرية البلاغية إلى الوظيفة النسقية: Intertextuality: Transformations of Poetic Rhetoric into the Systemic Function. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 14(1), 193–207. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT072024-12