Translation Analysis of Figurative Language in the Novel of Khān Al- Khalīlī by Naguib Mahfouz


  • Muh. Naim Madjid Department of Arabic Education, Faculty of Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia



Translation, Figurative Language, Literary, Khān Al- Khalīlī


This study presents an analysis of translation of the Figurative Language (FL) in the novel of Khān Al- Khalīlī by Naguib Mahfouz and its translation book, Lelaki Dalam Pasungan by Pahruroji M. Bukhori. The theory stems from the author’s analysis of several problems: there are many words that do not reflect the original meanings, particularly in figurative expression, the other words have been wrongly translated, and some words in the source text have not been translated into their target language. The result is that the translation given seems awkward and blurred. Descriptive analysis approach is used in this qualitative research based on the generalization of a corpus literary study, that the collection of standardized samples would yield a reliable response. Data was obtained using a Simple Random Sampling (SRS) with a fishbowl drawing method from 11 chapters of the story evaluated in four categories of FL: metonymy, synecdoche, paradox, and hyperbole. The translator used four translation methods: Literal Translation (LT), Free Translation (FT), Idiomatic Translation (IT), and Semantic Translation (ST). The consequence of the analysis reports 3 samples of LT for synecdoche, two for paradox, and one for hyperbole. There are two examples of metonymy, one in paradox and one in hyperbole. One IT sample appears in the metonymy and one ST sample appears in the hyperbole. Furthermore, this work is expected to help the readers to resolve translation problems, especially in literary texts.


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How to Cite

Muh. Naim Madjid. (2024). Translation Analysis of Figurative Language in the Novel of Khān Al- Khalīlī by Naguib Mahfouz. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 11(2), 7–16.