Kesan Pemantauan Terhadap Kepimpinan Autentik Dalam Kalangan Pentadbir Universiti Awam di Malaysia

The Effect of Monitoring on Authentic Leadership Amongst Administrators in Malaysian Public Universities


  • Mazli Mutazam Pusat Pengajian Pengurusan Perniagaan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah
  • Zulkiflee Daud Pusat Pengajian Pengurusan Perniagaan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah



Public university, Autenthic leadership, Monitoring


Authentic leaders hold strongly to their own ways toward understanding themselves as individuals, and how they and others interprete the world. Having the capability to eliminate their egos, they help empower and develop others. They influence and inspire others to manifest their true selves. This research studies the effect of monitoring on authentic leadership amongst administrators in public universities in Malaysia. The quantitative research has been utilized by distributing 227 questionnaires to administrators in the Management and Professional group (Grade 41 until VU6). Findings of this study show that, using the analysis testing, monitoring is represented by 3 dimensions, namely, periodic monitoring, informal discussion and observation. Whereas  authentic leadership is represented by 2 dimensions: moral transparency and self-awareness. The effect of monitoring on authentic leadership has been tested by using multiple regression. From the results, it is found that periodic monitoring significantly affects both moral transparency and self-awareness. On the other hand, informal discussion and observation only affect self-awareness. Interestingly, informal discussion has negative effect on self-awareness. Generally, the purpose of this study is to foresee the effect of monitoring behaviour on authentic leadership amongst the administrators of public universities. It is hoped that this study provides the benefits of increased knowledge in the area of leadership amongst public servants, particularly, administrators of public universities. Through this study, it is also hoped that the administrators may increase their leadership skills, and enhance accountability, integrity and efficiency in the management and administration of public universities. Awareness through knowledge and skill as a leader in organization can enhance leadership talent and bring excellence to the university.


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How to Cite

Mazli Mutazam, & Zulkiflee Daud. (2024). Kesan Pemantauan Terhadap Kepimpinan Autentik Dalam Kalangan Pentadbir Universiti Awam di Malaysia: The Effect of Monitoring on Authentic Leadership Amongst Administrators in Malaysian Public Universities. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 11(1), 49–61.