Prophetic Best Practices in Business for Human Capital Development
Management, Human capital, Muhammad (pbuh), Education, Islamic businessAbstract
Human capital has been the most crucial current topic of this modern life. Competition in business and industry requires human
resource that spells excellence, knowledgeable, discipline and visionary. With the rise of conscious market-driven community, many have concluded that to achieve the highest stake in business is to simultaneously reconstruct the moral consciousness. Henceforth, learning from past leaders, their legacy has been left with much to be desired by shortcomings, conflicts of interest and at times, destructions. In promoting the virtuous awareness, education has to take the lead through human capital development. In the attempt to apply the landmark practices of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and his management principles, this discursive overview intends to provide the application of the prophetic tradition in the management field as the foundation for application in aspects of discipline which include business, law, education, just to state a few. Therefore, this paper intends to study the Islamic management elements of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by providing insights to the following questions. The first question is, how does human capital development raise moral consciousness in terms of business practices set forth by prophetic tradition? Can current situations apply such emulations of managing human capital and hence, enhance the quality of our life within the family, in the community and for the nation? With the increasingly diverse expectations, management practices and skills of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) contribute to provide the pathway of managing the human capital development presented as answers to the above questions.
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