دور التلازم اللفظي في ترجمة الدلالات المجازية العربية إلى اللغة الملايوية

The Importance of Collocation in Translating Arabic Metaphorical Connotations into Malay


  • Nasimah Abdullah Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Bandar Seri Putra, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia




Collocation, Metaphorical connotation, Malay – Arabic Translation


Modern linguistic studies emphasize the importance of an understanding of collocation in order to achieve non-violation of the rules of language used by the community. Translation studies, on the other hand, concern with the roles of collocation in ensuring a precise translation. Collocation is regarded as one of the crucial parts in translating metaphorical connotations as it captures the meaning that transcends its literal translation and it cannot be quoted literally otherwise it will spoil the intended meaning. This study aims to highlight the importance of collocation in achieving an exact translation especially in translating the Arabic metaphorical connotations into the Malay language based on semantic equivalence between the source and target text to the closest possible to the meaning of the original Arabic text. This study employs descriptive and analytical methods. Based on the examples, the study concludes the need of taking into account the role of collocation in the translation of Arabic metaphorical connotations into Malay in order to achieve the precise translation, as well as to determine the semantic equivalence. This research suggests that the translator should choose the correct combination of words in the target language so that he does not come out with a correlation that is incompatible with the nature of the target language.



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How to Cite

Nasimah Abdullah. (2021). دور التلازم اللفظي في ترجمة الدلالات المجازية العربية إلى اللغة الملايوية: The Importance of Collocation in Translating Arabic Metaphorical Connotations into Malay. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 11(1), 84–101. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT072021-9