The Influence of Internal and External Factors Towards Zakat Collection of Indonesia National Board of Zakat


  • Novia Ariani Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University,16680 Bogor, Indonesia
  • Laily Dwi Arsyianti Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University,16680 Bogor, Indonesia



BAZNAS, Digital zakat payment, IPI, VECM, Zakat collection


Zakat is an obligation for the property of Muslims to be given to specific recipients (mustahik). Although a large number of Muslim population makes the potential of zakat Indonesia high, the amount of zakat collected by Indonesia national board of Zakat (BAZNAS) in 2018 is only 0.06 per cent of the total potential of 233.8 trillion rupiahs. This research is conducted to analyze the influence of internal and external factors towards zakat collection of BAZNAS in order to analyze the effect of variable shocks from internal and external factors, as well as to explore the contribution of each variable in explaining the variance of zakat collection. Vector Error Correction Model is used to analyze the monthly data from January 2011 to December 2018. The results show that the zakat collection unit, digital zakat payment, and gold price have no significant effect on the zakat collection of BAZNAS. Shocks of the cost of publication and documentation, Industrial Production Index (IPI), Bank Indonesia’s rate are responded positively by BAZNAS zakat collection. In contrast, the Consumer Price Index shock is responded negatively by the BAZNAS zakat collection. IPI is an external factor that has the most significant contribution in explaining the variance of Central BAZNAS collected zakat funds.


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How to Cite

Novia Ariani, & Laily Dwi Arsyianti. (2024). The Influence of Internal and External Factors Towards Zakat Collection of Indonesia National Board of Zakat . Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 41–47.