Developing a Systematic Edu-Pro Model to Jet-Boost Participation and Sustainability of Islamic Philanthropy in Education IR 4.0 from the Maqasid Shariah Framework


  • Siti Fatahiyah Mahamood Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Mohammad Mahyuddin Khalid Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia



Industrial revolution, Islamic philanthropy, Jet-boost, Maqasid shariah, Sustainability


Islam encourages every Muslim to contribute to charity activities, namely infaq, sadaqah, waqf and zakat. These activities lead to remarkable benefits and prosperity, which can be treated as religious, social goals and revenue creation for the receiver and the donor. Several types of research have been done on the factors of people contributing to voluntary giving and factors of the rejection. There has been no complete study found on how to cultivate the Islamic Philanthropy, although there are eternal rewards ascertained in Islam. To fill this gap, this paper focusses on the effort of developing a Systematic Education-Professional (Edu-Pro) Model to jet-boost participation and sustainability of Islamic Philanthropy in the era of the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0). A qualitative method is used in analysing and synthesizing the relevant literature and document review to develop this model from the framework of Maqasid Shariah, together with the combination of accelerating rapid growth of the world technologies and digitalization. This theoretical study examines the Quranic verses and theories from scholars to support this model. The aspect of education will also be zoomed in to ensure that this model is developed systematically and professionally.


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How to Cite

Siti Fatahiyah Mahamood, & Mohammad Mahyuddin Khalid. (2024). Developing a Systematic Edu-Pro Model to Jet-Boost Participation and Sustainability of Islamic Philanthropy in Education IR 4.0 from the Maqasid Shariah Framework. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 48–56.

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