Analisis Profil Pelaburan Emas di Malaysia Menggunakan Model Persons-Items Distribution Map (PIDM) Rasch

Profile Analysis of Gold Investment in Malaysia Using the Rasch Persons-Items Distribution Map (PIDM) Model


  • Najahudin, L. Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Siti Noorbiah, M.R. Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia



i-PEPS, Gold investment, Model Rasch


Gold investment has its shariah-compliant criteria. These criteria have been compiled by the latest researchers, which in turn serve as a specific guide to the Muslim community as well as the governing institution on gold investment. However, the picture of compliance, including in Malaysia, is rarely empirically proven. Thus, this study aims to analyze the profile of gold investment in Malaysia. The quantitative method through a survey study was used on 40 respondents comprising investors and gold investment institutions. Data were collected using the Shariah-compliant Gold Investment Instrument (i-PEPS) in the form of a closed-ended response questionnaire with a 4-Point Likert scale. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Rasch Measurement Model through the Persons-Items Distribution Map (PIDM) function with a focus on the item compliance level in the instrument. The results of this study found that 17 items (53.1%) were difficult to comply with, while 12 items (37.5%) were easy to comply. Therefore, investment institutions are proposed to have shariah advisory councils in their operations. Institutions and the public can use i-PEPS as a guide in the selection or preparation of shariah-compliant gold investment products.


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How to Cite

Najahudin, L., & Siti Noorbiah, M.R. (2024). Analisis Profil Pelaburan Emas di Malaysia Menggunakan Model Persons-Items Distribution Map (PIDM) Rasch: Profile Analysis of Gold Investment in Malaysia Using the Rasch Persons-Items Distribution Map (PIDM) Model. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 114–119.