Gender Analysis On Islamic Texts: A Study On Its Accuracy


  • Muchammad Ichsan Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Gender, Analysis, Accuracy, Islam, Text


Gender equality movement is spreading all over the world, including in Indonesia where Muslim gender activists have made hard efforts to ensure gender fairness and equality among people. One of their efforts is emphasizing the urgency of reinterpreting Islamic texts. They insist on the reinterpretation of Islamic texts based on gender perspective and analysis due to the existence of many Islamic texts that trespass the principles of gender equality and fairness they have been fighting for. This paper aims at assuring and examining the accuracy of using gender perspective as a tool for analyzing the Islamic text. It is found that using gender perspective and analysis for reinterpreting Islamic texts is not in line with the Islamic principles and will only produce laws and points of views which deviate from Islamic teachings. To reach the goals of this study, a descriptive-analytical approach is employed.


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How to Cite

Muchammad Ichsan. (2024). Gender Analysis On Islamic Texts: A Study On Its Accuracy. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 4(1), 57–68.