Efikasi Kendiri: Perbandingan Antara Islam dan Barat

Self Efficacy: A Comparison Between Islam and West


  • Noornajihan, J. Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunah, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia




Self efficacy, Psychology, Islamic Perspective, Tauhid Uluhiyyah, Bandura


The term of self efficacy was introduced in psychological field around 70’s. However, this term is still not very prominence by most individuals, especially those who are not from psychology background. Therefore, it is very important to highlight this issue, due to its important towards the successful of oneself. Precisely, this paper will explore the concept of self efficacy from the Islamic and Western perspective, with a view on some point of similarities and differences. Both views agree that individuals with high self efficacy is a positive-minded individuals, willing to take risks and not easy to give up. Yet, Islam’s view on this concept is broader. It is because Islam relates this concept to the concept of “tauhid uluhiyyah” and the concept of “human as ahsan al-taqwim”. Thus, sel efficacy from the Islamic perspective is more endure and holistic, as well as high-efficacious individuals according to Islam is a person who has patience (sabr), gratitude (syukr), redha and tawakkal.



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How to Cite

Noornajihan, J. (2024). Efikasi Kendiri: Perbandingan Antara Islam dan Barat: Self Efficacy: A Comparison Between Islam and West. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 4(2), 89–98. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT692014.04.02