The Engage Model: A Proposed Educational Administrative Model of Change Leadership for School Leaders


  • Nadia F Kharbat Faculty of Educational Leadership, University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Rateb AlSoud Faculty of Educational Leadership, University of Jordan, Jordan



Educational leadership, Change leadership, Employee engagement, School leaders


Today’s 21st century education systems have been working hard to achieve a sustainable change required for their institutions to help them improve and grow. Educational leaders should realize that change is becoming more challenging and that the conventional approach to organizational change is no longer neither efficient nor adequate. Despite the improvement achieved in the educational system, in general, and in the development of educational leadership as a key input, in specific, there are still challenges and difficulties facing educational change leadership. Consequently, the researchers propose an educational administrative model for change leadership in light of the ADKAR model and the employee engagement factor for school leaders. To achieve the objectives of the study, the Synthetic-Analytic Approach is followed, through reviewing and analyzing educational change leadership concept via the literature and previous relevant studies. Accordingly, the researchers recommend that educational leaders in schools would adopt this model and apply it in different change practices, to develop and improve the educational process continuously.


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How to Cite

Nadia F Kharbat, & Rateb AlSoud. (2024). The Engage Model: A Proposed Educational Administrative Model of Change Leadership for School Leaders. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(1), 7–22.