Hubungan Dilalah Ijaz dalam Juz ‘Amma dengan Alam dan Penciptanya

Relationship of the meaning of Ijaz in Juz ‘Amma with Nature and Its Creator


  • Mohamad Amir Mohd Dahalan Pusat Bahasa dan Pengajian Asasi, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, 33000 Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia



Dilalah, Ijaz (abridgement), Juz ‘Amma, Al-Qur’an and Science


Discussion of the relationship of science and al-Qur’an is a discourse which normally draws the interest of researchers to look into this relationship. Based on the writings of some Muslim scholars, there is no clear-cut relationship between al-Qur’an and current disciplines that would guarantee that al-Qur’an is given harmonious interpretation according to the Revelation requirement. Interpretations of al-Qur’an presently encounter challenges from Muslim intellectuals who are familiar with new theories of knowledge which are not friendly to Islamic tradition of knowledge. Sciences in the al-Qur’an are prescribed with the Revelation guidance which is interpreted by the reason guided with the approach compatible to Islamic knowledge heritage. This study strives to delve into the relationship of Ijaz (abridgement) in Juz ‘ Amma related to mankind and its creation, apart from the universe and its creation. This study adopts qualitative methodology of content analysis through deductive approach guided through the premise of ‘Ijaz al-Qur’an. This study proves that there is the relationship of dilalah ijaz in Juz ‘ Amma with current fields of knowledge such as biology, embryology, astronomy, geography, meteorology, botany and zoology. Al-Qur’an has precisely, concisely and meaningfully articulated messages of knowledge, besides overcoming contemporary theories of thought, and it can be benefited in various disciplines concerning human creation process, balanced human physical structure as well as the universe beneficial for human life on earth. Likewise, the articulation of dilalah ijaz in presenting things related to the creation of the universe such as atmospheres, the sun and global warming, the structure of mountains, earth quakes and the movement of tectonic plates, the spherical earth, the nutrition of figs and olives as well as the speciality of created camels as an efficient machine in the desert. Obviously, there is harmonious relationship between dilalah ijaz in Juz ‘ Amma and current fields of knowledge. The impact of this study is the proven systemic explanation of dilalah ijaz which can be expanded in other researches to come concerning the question of dilalah ijaz as an aspect of the inimitability of the Qur’an. Thus, there is no need for detailed written explanation, sufficiently with short and concise explanation and it is potentially applied in all disciplines viewed in Islamic perspective.



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How to Cite

Mohamad Amir Mohd Dahalan. (2024). Hubungan Dilalah Ijaz dalam Juz ‘Amma dengan Alam dan Penciptanya: Relationship of the meaning of Ijaz in Juz ‘Amma with Nature and Its Creator. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(1), 93–111.