فلسفة العمل من منظور الفكر الإسلامي

Business Philosophy from The Perspective of Islamic Thought


  • Ammar Bassem Saleh Baghdad University, Collage of Islamic Sciences




Philosophy, Business, Islamic Thought, Western Thought


The world today becoming a small village because of the unprecedented proliferation of social media and the amazing development in the information network and the speed of delivery of the idea, which makes the search for authenticity of the idea is of great importance, especially with the existence of international systems to establish the idea, The idea of the work, which is attracted by the trends of capitalism and communism, casts a shadow over the authenticity of this idea. The Islamic conception precedes Western perceptions and the various situations, a vision stemming from the spirit of Sharia and in line with the needs of man and away from monopoly and cheating and deception. The study also discussed the economic theories that exist today and how to construct the Islamic perception to combat unemployment, which contributed to social systems by strengthening them. The research also contributed to strengthening the link between the faith and the work, which makes the worker observe the pleasure of God in his work away from dependence, deception and fraud. Of the systems that are trying to seize them in accordance with the rationales of decay. This research came in two studies dealt with the first of them conceptual framework and general frameworks to achieve the philosophy of work according to the Islamic vision in the second section to address the Western perception and the attitude of Islamic thought. The study concluded by emphasizing the distinction between Islamic thought and Western thought in its vision of work as a concept, a reality and an executive tool.

Author Biography

Ammar Bassem Saleh, Baghdad University, Collage of Islamic Sciences


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How to Cite

Ammar Bassem Saleh. (2024). فلسفة العمل من منظور الفكر الإسلامي: Business Philosophy from The Perspective of Islamic Thought. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(1), 127–138. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT072019-10